The diseases that our pets transmit to us have been underestimated

by time news

2023-10-19 12:00:00

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Las zoonosis, diseases transmitted from vertebrate animals to humans, are not a new concept. The World Health Organization identifies more than 200 types of these diseases, and surprisingly, our companion animals are often at the center of this dynamic, either as main or secondary actors.

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For example, Cats are a clear example of how zoonotic pathogens can spread. Although many cats are pets in homes (especially in the United States, where there are an estimated 60 million), there are a growing number of unowned feral cats in urban environments. Additionally, there are cats that live both indoors and outdoors, and many that reside in shelters or rescue facilities.

Similarly, other domestic animals such as dogs and horses present similar situations. in relation to humans. For example, cat-scratch fever, caused by infection with Bartonella henselae , is a zoonotic form of bartonellosis in humans transmitted by cats. Other zoonotic pathogens commonly mentioned in veterinary literature include C. psittaci of domestic parrots and canine coronavirus (CCoV) in domestic dogs.

Consequently, birds also present risks of zoonoses. This ranges from domestic birds to poultry and wild birds. Bird-related zoonoses, such as that transmitted by Chlamydia psittaci from parrots to people, are known, but there is growing concern about the role of birdsespecially with diseases such as avian influenza.

The birds act like the main warehouse of various zoonotic viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes, including both western and eastern equine encephalitis viruses and West Nile virus. These pathogens can be transferred to humans and horses, mainly through mosquito bites, and in some cases, cause fatal encephalitis.

The safety of healthcare

There is no doubt that the domestic animal that receives adequate health care can rarely become a vehicle for disease towards us. Vaccines, medications and responsible care are vital tools in the risks prevention. However, it is essential to be aware of certain situations in which, under specific circumstances, they can transmit pathogens.

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And new study published in the magazine Science Translational Medicine underlines the importance of understanding the principle of “One Health”. This perspective allows us to understand the interactions between physical and biological factors in the dynamics of zoonoses. Aspects such as globalization, climate change or the urbanization of natural ecosystems drastically alter the relationship between animals and human beings, promoting the appearance and spread of these diseases.

Resistance to antibiotics, intensive livestock exploitation or the irresponsible ownership of pets are direct consequences of our modern society that directly affect the biological cycle of animals and, therefore, the dynamics of zoonoses.

Thus, in conclusion, it is essential to broaden our perspective on domestic and wild animals and their relationship with infectious diseases. These threats, although often underestimated, are present and require a multidisciplinary approach and deep understanding to anticipate and mitigate future outbreaks. Science, responsibility and education are our main tools to face this challenge.

#diseases #pets #transmit #underestimated

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