The doctor warned about the dangers of abuse of aphrodisiac products

by time news

The effect of certain foods on sex drive is highly exaggerated.

Aphrodisiac products have mixed effects on the body. It is important not to overdo it with the use of such food. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a gastrointestinal upset.

Sexologist Yevgeny Kulgavchuk told about this in an interview with Sputnik radio. He acknowledged that certain foods do increase sex drive. The chemical composition of some foods improves mental health and energy potential, as well as enhances sexual desire. But contrary to the opinion of ordinary people, attraction does not increase significantly, but only by a few percent.

Mostly aphrodisiacs have a psychological effect. A person believes in their wonderful properties and relaxes, unconsciously focuses on success, anticipates it.

The doctor recalled that a person’s sexual behavior is influenced not only by food, but also by many other factors. For example, sex constitution and lifestyle. If you rely only on aphrodisiacs, you can get the opposite effect. From a large amount of monotonous food, an upset stomach will occur and the person will no longer be up to sexual exploits.

Kulgavchuk added that he does not recommend his patients to eat large amounts of unusual food before a love date. Otherwise, you can ruin a romantic evening.

The doctor is also sure that there is no universal aphrodisiac. Someone will be influenced by a cup of coffee, someone will be inspired to feats of chocolate, and someone will like seafood or a glass of champagne. You have to try different options.


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