The editorial staff of “Sud Ouest” angry at “savings measures”

by time news

2023-06-21 22:07:21
In Bordeaux, April 30, 2016. GEORGES GOBET / AFP

Anger had been simmering for several months in the regional daily South West. She ended up bursting, Tuesday, June 20. The newspaper was not printed on Wednesday June 21, following a social movement triggered the day before when the press group (owned by the Lemoîne family) had not experienced a strike since 2012.

In total, 91.5% of the 165 voters of the editorial staff of the daily newspaper of Nouvelle-Aquitaine wished to stop working, Tuesday, until the end of their service, to protest against savings measures wanted by the director general of the Sud Ouest group (Sapeso), Nicolas Sterckx. This plan was presented Thursday, June 15 during an economic commission of the social and economic committee (CSE).

Like all daily press groups (regional and national), South West – which claims 100,000 paper subscriptions and 40,000 digital subscribers – has been hit hard by the explosion in energy and gasoline prices in 2022. Worried about an economic situation “very worrying” due to a deterioration in sales, subscriptions and advertising turnover, the management of the title wants to restore the accounts, which show a forecast deficit of 3.5 million euros for the year 2023.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The daily press hit hard by the explosion in the price of paper

Pour ” getting the head out of the water “ by the end of 2024, Mr. Sterckx wants a hiring freeze and wants to make less use of fixed-term contracts to replace absences (whether they relate to sick leave, leave or RTT). “This represents ten fewer CDDs on average, out of the thirty that Sud Ouest uses”minimise M. Sterckx, joint par The world. The leader says chowever understand “anxieties” journalists in “a context where we must respond to changes in reader consumption”.

“The management wants to save money on the back of an editorial staff which is already on the bone”says a writer wishing to remain anonymous. “There is a fed up with the management’s contempt for journalists”explains another member of the editorial staff.

” The water drop “

The price of the newspaper is another cause of tension between the editorial staff and the management. It must increase by ten cents (from 1.40 euros to 1.50 euros) from July 1 and will see its number of pages drop, this last assertion being however disputed by Mr. Sterckx. “If we have less time to write and less space in the pages, I don’t see how we’re going to convince new subscribers”responds a journalist.

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