The electrical system is on pins and needles: experts

by times news cr

2024-05-10 20:18:25

He electric system It is held with pins and these “are already generating blackouts,” specialists agree in the face of emergencies registered by the National Energy Control Center (Pricing), which generated blackouts this Tuesday and Wednesday in part of the country.

And although the Government pointed out wind power plants and solar as part of the registered problem,

Victor Ramírez Cabreraan analyst in the energy sector, assured that given the heat wave that the country is going through, the demand for electricity increased on Tuesday evening, which caused blackouts in several regions because the thermal plants failed: “although they wanted to ruin some renewables … The reality “What is failing are the thermal plants and that is just the tip of the iceberg.”

High temperatures cause citizens to require greater use of fans and air conditioners; and even increase the cooling levels to the freezer and refrigerator, generating greater waste of electricity.

The expert stated that rather than being a problem only of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), it is rather where the government should go now. National Electric System, since the problem is having the system “with pins”.

He recalled that the auctions of electric power In the long term in this administration, transmission lines were not built to be able to interconnect more generation capacity and that is why blackouts are now being generated.

“We need to respect the law and return to energy auctions and the State must understand the importance of investing transmission utilities in better energy transmission and distribution utilities in better distribution so that the systems do not fail,”

While, Ramses Bad luck, electricity sector analyst, explained that three events of note were recorded: the rise in temperatures, which caused greater demand between four and five in the afternoon.

“The thermal sensation, being greater in some areas such as Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila, demand increased… The projection of consumption was above actual demand.”

The analyst on issues of electricity He criticized the disappearance of Daylight Saving Time, without taking into account that now with higher temperatures, greater light consumption would be required.

“An alert had to be issued security between 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., at a time when the amount of sunlight is already less and at a time when there is a flow of people in squares, hotels, shopping centers at a time of one hour less. “Everyone turned on the electricity and compromised the system.”

He assured that the distribution lines already need to be reinforced to be able to contain greater energy, which is being required in the face of higher temperatures.

“There are transformers that are many years old and burn out and take a long time to be reinstalled or changed and are not supporting the increase in energy consumption.”

He pointed out that a challenge is that, for the nearshoring (the arrival of foreign investment seeking to relocate to the country), a large amount of electricity is going to be required and this is going to be a problem if, in the middle of production, a company is going to be left without electricity, since they are going to prefer not to arrive in the country.

For Gabriela Siller Pagaza, director of the Tec de Monterrey Business School, the shortage of electricity and water in our country may be one of the keys that prevents nearshoring from being realized.

Meanwhile, the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic in Mexico City (Coparmex) accused that the blackouts registered in the country “have a significant impact on the competitiveness of our companies and show the need to strengthen the electrical system.”

He added that the current capacity of our electrical system is insufficient to efficiently meet the needs of homes and businesses.

Just yesterday, the National Energy Control Center (Cenace) issued another declaration of an Operational State of Alert in the National Interconnected System, after detecting high consumption on Wednesday afternoon.

At 2:46 p.m., the alert was declared for the National Interconnected System, “so Cenace will carry out the necessary operational actions,” after which blackouts were recorded.

2024-05-10 20:18:25

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