the Élysée wants the renewal of the current director general Eric Lombard

by time news

Emmanuel Macron wants him to start a second term at the head of the organization.

Emmanuel Macron wants the current director general of the Caisse des dépôts Eric Lombard to be reappointed for a second term at the head of the Caisse des dépôts, discreet but powerful financial arm of the State, announced the Élysée on Thursday. “The President of the Republic plans, on the proposal of the Prime Minister, to appoint Eric Lombard as Managing Director of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations“Said a press release from the presidency.

A certain vagueness surrounded for several weeks the succession of this former insurance executive (BNP Paribas, Generali), appointed on December 8, 2017 for five years at the head of the powerful public institution, guardian, among other things, of the Livret A. A decree published earlier in the day in the Official Journal specified that Eric Lombard would continue to assume his functions on an interim basis, “until a new CEO is appointed“. It is now up to the Finance Committees of the National Assembly and the Senate to audition Eric Lombard, as they had done in 2017, before his appointment.

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«The President of the National Assembly and the President of the Senate are seized of this draft appointment, so that the interested committee of each of the assemblies decides“, Specifies the press release from the Elysée. Parliament has always played an important role in the affairs of the “Caissesince its origins over 200 years ago. It is also a parliamentarian who chairs its supervisory committee – since September the deputy LREM Alexandre Holroyd.

Eric Lombard remained faithful to Emmanuel Macron for five years. His entourage said he was a candidate for his own succession. In accounting terms, the public group published a net profit of 4.6 billion euros in 2021, six times more than in 2020. Eric Lombard was also able to highlight two major projects carried out since his arrival: the merger of La Banque Postale and CNP Assurances, completed this year, and the creation of Banque des Territoires in 2018.

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