the embarrassment of the signatories who nevertheless maintain their support for the actor

by time news

2023-12-29 21:29:36

A “serious error”. Nadine Trintignant, 89-year-old director and writer, announces Pointin an article published Friday, December 29, that she regrets her support for the forum denouncing the “lynching” of which Gérard Depardieu would be a victim, published Monday in Le Figaro. In this text, around sixty personalities from the world of culture gave their support to the “last sacred monster of cinema”indicted for rape and sexual assault and after controversial remarks made by the actor revealed by the information magazine “Complément d’investigation”.

“I will always be against media lynchings of any kind”explains the director, recalling having suffered one when “the press (…) talked about crime of passion about my daughter [Marie Trintignant tuée par Bertrand Cantat, son compagnon, en 2003]. Today, we talk about it like a murder and that’s good.” “I have always defended women, fought for free abortion and of course for the defense of battered women”adds the director.

“I did not know when signing this column by whom it was writtenexplains Ms. Trintignant. I ask the people I have shocked not to blame me for my serious mistake. » The author of the column is Yannis Ezziadi, a 32-year-old actor. Close to the French actor’s daughter, Julie Depardieu, and Sarah Knafo, Eric Zemmour’s advisor and partner, he is also an editorialist for the conservative magazine Talkerfounded by Elisabeth Lévy.

Also read the investigation: Article reserved for our subscribers At the source of the platform for Depardieu, an actor close to the identity and reactionary spheres

Carole Bouquet “uncomfortable” after the visibility acquired by Yannis Ezziadi

“I signed a column for Gérard Depardieu. However, I do not support the ideas and values ​​associated with the journalist carrying this column. Giving him visibility through Gérard makes me, as you can imagine, deeply uncomfortable”said actress Carole Bouquet on Instagram.

Signatories such as Carole Bouquet, who was Gérard Depardieu’s companion for around ten years, the filmmaker Bertrand Blier, the actresses Nathalie Baye, Arielle Dombasle and Charlotte Rampling, the actors Jacques Weber, Pierre Richard and Gérard Darmon… “We can no longer remain silent in the face of the lynching that is taking place on [Gérard Depardieu] in defiance of a presumption of innocence from which he would have benefited, like everyone else, if he were not the giant of cinema that he is.they wrote.

The genesis of this forum leaves a bitter taste for other signatories, without them going so far as to withdraw their support for the text. « J’assume »producer and former agent Dominique Besnehard told Agence France-Presse (AFP): “I support the presumption of innocence of Gérard and of all individuals. And I blame myself for having been naive. »

Former boss of the Cinémathèque française, Serge Toubiana explains to AFP that he was put in the loop by Carole Bouquet and ” not knowing “ who was at the origin of the text. “I am not withdrawing my signature. I signed because I hate pack spirit and the presumption of innocence must be defended”, he continues. The text “is not perfect”admet-il a posteriori, car il women the impression “that because he [Gérard Depardieu] is a huge actor, that could put him above the law”. Or “this does not free him, no more but no less than anyone else”.

Also read the story: Article reserved for our subscribers The Depardieu case blurs all the benchmarks… up to those of Emmanuel Macron

For Yvan Attal, the platform is “not completely”

The actor and director Yvan Attal also recognized ” a faintness “ about this platform that he signed although it did not suit him ” not entirely “. “I didn’t sign (…) against women »he clarified to BFM-TVbut Gérard Depardieu “has the right not to be publicly lynched (…) we must let justice speak”. The actor Gérard Darmon, on RTL, for his part regretted the content of the signed text. “Be careful not to say that by touching Depardieu, we are touching art. (…) This is bullshit”he admitted.

Among those who chose to speak out, Anouk Grinberg or Sophie Marceau, who had already denounced the behavior of “predator” by Gérard Depardieu in 2015 and returned to the subject in an interview with Paris Match. Isabelle Carré called in Elle to use this moment to say that he “It’s high time that [le sexisme]it ends ». Clotilde Hesme and Judith Chemla are among the more than 600 signatories of a “counter-tribune” of artists published online by the collective Brains not available.

For her part, Charlotte Arnould, who filed a complaint against Gérard Depardieu, leading to his indictment in 2020 for rape and sexual assault, maintains discretion. The young actress thanked on Instagram those who support her during this period: “I blame the blows (…) it’s not in great shape. » And responded to the discomfort expressed by Carole Bouquet after signing the petition: “You had to think about it first, right? ! »

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers Depardieu affair: “Mr. President, your words deny all women victims of violence the right to be heard and believed”

The World with AFP

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