The European Space Agency Shares New View of Ariane 6 Rocket on Launch Pad Ahead of Engine Tests

by time news

ESA Shares New View of Ariane 6 Rocket Ahead of Engine Tests

The European Space Agency (ESA) has unveiled a new image of the Ariane 6 rocket as it sits on its launch pad at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana. The rocket, which has been in development since the early 2010s, is set to undergo engine fire tests this month.

The recently released photo, taken on June 23, showcases Ariane 6 standing vertically on its launch pad, marking the first time it has been seen in this position. The rocket is primarily designed to replace the Ariane 5 launch vehicle and aims to provide customers with more affordable access to space.

In the image, Ariane 6 can be seen undergoing preparations for the upcoming round of engine fire tests. A mobile building that typically protects the rocket while it is situated on the launch pad has been removed for this purpose. According to a statement from the space agency, this process involves opening the doors of the mobile gantry and rolling back the structure on rails.

“The operation, which takes about half an hour, was a trial run in preparation for a series of test firings of the Vulcain 2.1 engine,” stated ESA officials. “These test firings will be conducted on the launch pad as part of ongoing preparations for the first-ever flight of Ariane 6.”

However, it’s important to note that the Ariane 6 in the showcased photos is solely being used for testing assembly procedures, electrical and fuel connections, and telemetry. It is not intended for actual flight. The removal and subsequent return of the mobile gantry in this demonstration aim to validate the rocket’s ground infrastructure.

The Ariane 6 rocket is currently being built in Europe by ArianeGroup on behalf of ESA. The core and upper stages of the rocket were transported to French Guiana and assembled horizontally. Subsequently, the rocket was lifted upright inside the gantry at the launch pad, while the solid-fuel boosters and payload were attached. This horizontal assembly method, according to officials, cuts down on launch time and costs.

Initially scheduled for a 2020 debut, the launch of Ariane 6 has faced multiple delays. The current target for its first flight is the second quarter of 2024, at the earliest. The rocket features a Vinci upper stage capable of reignition, enabling it to deliver satellites to different orbits and altitudes. Additionally, it is designed to autonomously deorbit and burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

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