The Farewell to National Zoo’s Giant Pandas: Reflections and Reactions

by time news

Panda Palooza Kicks Off at National Zoo as Giant Pandas Prepare to Return to China

Carolyn Smith, a regular visitor to the National Zoo in Columbus, Ohio, eagerly snapped photos of Xiao Qi Ji, a young panda, as he nibbled on an ice cake. The zoo-goers gathered on Saturday to celebrate Panda Palooza, a nine-day event in honor of the facility’s giant pandas. Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, both 25 years old, are scheduled to return to China by December 7th due to their age, and their 3-year-old son, Xiao Qi Ji, will join them as he nears breeding age.

The departure of these beloved pandas leaves the future of the National Zoo’s giant panda program uncertain. The zoo has been home to giant pandas since 1972 when Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing were gifted to the United States by China. However, the pandas’ return to their home country will mark the first time in years that the National Zoo has been without pandas.

Giant pandas have become a symbol of Washington, D.C., with their image appearing on various merchandise such as shirts, sneakers, and Metro cards. They have captured the hearts of millions, and for many visitors, seeing the pandas in person is a dream come true. Laura Tatlock, who traveled from Raleigh, N.C., expressed her bittersweet feelings about the visit, knowing it would be her only chance to see these iconic animals.

The National Zoo’s giant pandas have been a highlight for tourists and locals alike. Victoria Thomaides, a D.C. resident, admitted to not having seen the pandas in the seven years since she moved to the city. However, the impending departure of the pandas led her to make a special trip to the zoo.

Despite stormy weather, visitors braved the rain to catch a glimpse of the pandas. William King, a resident of D.C., raced to the zoo after seeing the bears enjoying their ice cakes on the zoo’s live stream. Cyndy Taylor, a first-grade teacher, has integrated the pandas into her lessons, using their presence to engage her students and foster a love for animals and nature.

As the pandas prepare to return to China, their departure marks the end of an era for the National Zoo. For decades, these beloved creatures have captivated generations of visitors. The zoo’s giant panda program faces an uncertain future, leaving many with a sense of nostalgia and sadness. However, the impact of these pandas on the community and the thousands of people who have had the opportunity to witness their beauty will not be forgotten.

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