The fifth eWoman Girona emphasizes female leadership

by time news

2023-05-18 18:50:27

Innovation, recognition, motivation and inspiration. These are the four words that have defined the fifth edition of eWoman Girona, held in the auditorium of CaixaBank. The event had four speakers – all of them, women entrepreneurs– what they have shared their professional and life trajectories: the general manager ofAndares&Co, Lorena Garcia; the commercial director of CaixaBank in Girona and Central Catalonia, Montserrat Benítez; the president of Guitart Hotels, Cristina Cabañasthat day CEO of Calsina Carré, Alba Carré. All of them have shown different leadership styles, but they have defended the tenacity, resilience and motivation as essential ingredients to achieve success. In addition, all have also shared the need to make women visible in the professional field, which in some sectors – such as logistics or technology – is still difficult. During the event, the delivery of the premier EWoman by Tony Pons to the CEO of DCUTechnològic, Anna Bertrana Obiols.

The conference, organized by Diari de Girona and Prensa Ibérica, has included the impetus of CaixaBank, the sponsorship of Toni Pons and the collaboration of Prat Sàbat Advocats and the Inet Group. The welcome speech was given by the mayoress of Girona, Marta Madrenas, that in a few weeks he will resign from his position because he will not present himself again in the municipal elections. Mothers has vindicated entrepreneurship -since, as he remembered, she is the one generate jobs- and highlighted the role played by women, emphasizing that in the mixed boards of directors is where one is given greater efficiency

After Madrenas, and before entering fully into the presentations, the three coach of Change – Usoa Arregui, Alfredo Julià and Ignacio Alonso-, experts in leadershiphave placed all the attendees in the wealth of diversity and different styles with which decisions can be made and relate to others, depending on whether it is done from a different angle rational or emotional, more reflective or more active. The audience was mostly femalealthough some men could also be seen in the room.

Reinvent yourself in front of a new life perspective

Getting into the presentations, Lorena García was the first to take the stage, Mexican established in Madrid for twelve years. After fifteen years working at Televisathe biggest television in Mexico, when his son was a month and a half old he lost his job, so he had to reinvent himself. Motherhood, however, had changed her, and she realized that she no longer aspired to managerial positions in large companies. That’s why he decided to take overAndares & Co, dedicated to children. This change of course required him to retrain, but it has shown satisfied with the result. Currently also presents the videopodcast Recalculating the Route and is promoting a party company, Andares & Co Party by Lorena. In his case, he explains that training and his ability to reinvent himself have been the keys to his success.

The second presentation has been in charge of the commercial director of CaixaBank in Girona and Central Catalonia, Montserrat Benítez. Benítez has remembered his beginnings in the company, in 2001, when the banking sector was still very masculinized. However, in their promotion they entered up to thirteen workers, and explained that, currently, there are a good number of women in positions of responsibility. She is an example, since, afterhaving let “trains pass” that didn’t take her where she wantedstarted to assume team management. Benítez, who has a daughter, has shown herself to be one very passionate about her work and highlighted the importance of family support (in this case, her husband’s) when it comes to being able to reconcile family and work life.

The general manager of Andares&Co, Lorena García. MARC MARTI FONT

Then it was the turn of the president of Guitart Hotels and the Climent Guitart foundationthe Lorraine Cristina Cabanas. Pharmaceutical profession, his life made a splash in 2014, when her husband Climent Guitart, diedso it stayed alone with three young children and inherited a hotel company. After doubts about whether it would be better to sell the company, he decided to keep it and push it forward despite not having knowledge in the sector. In his case, he also had to form-self and reinvent-oneself, with the handicap of “being a woman and blonde”. But he got away with it and today he not only remains at the head of Guitar Hotelsbut also writes stories with the collaboration of Pilarín Bayés and collaborates with several social voluntary organizations.

The donut in the transport sector

Finally, the last speaker was Alba Carré, CEO of Calsina Carré. After having acquired professional experience in a multinational company, he decided to return home, to the Alt Empordà, for invest your time and efforts in it family business founded by his grandparents. Carré is, therefore, the third generation of this business dedicated to transport and logistics, and under his leadership the group has experienced significant growth in strategic areas such as Morocco. He has also made one firm commitment to sustainability, entering the railway for the first time, and is trying have more female drivers in a context where this profession does not have many adepts.

The participants in the coaching session. MARC MARTI FONT

After the presentations, Antoni Pons delivered the eWoman by Toni Pons award to Anna Bertrana, CEO of DCUTecnològic, for its successful track record in a sector, that of technology, which is still very masculinized. Bertrana has defended that women must “create” your “own luck” i be able to prove your worthuntil avoiding the “impostor syndrome”. He also pointed out that the creativity as a form of leadership and self-esteemand has defended the need to have empathy in order to thrive.

The morning is over with the second part of the session of coachingduring which all the participants have could get to know themselves better but also know which one it is first impression they project on the outside. Finally, one has been held coffee-networking so that all attendees could share ideas and impressions of the journey.

#eWoman #Girona #emphasizes #female #leadership

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