The fight against prostitution reinforced just before the Rugby World Cup and the Olympics

by time news

2023-09-01 14:43:34

The Rugby World Cup will start in a few days in France. Considering that the phenomenon of prostitution is “often aggravated in the context of major international sporting events”, the city of Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) has announced that it will intensify its action in the fight against this phenomenon on its territory, reports The Parisian.

“For a minor public, prostitution can be seen as an opportunity to earn easy money, including for young boys who would become pimps”, explained the City which hosts matches within the Stade de France.


A two-step plan was launched at the start of the summer. “We have trained professionals from the local mission, youth leaders, including those who work in leisure workshops, because the average age of entry into prostitution is 13-14 years”, detailed the City.

Potential customers are also targeted, in particular foreign spectators. “These people come to France without knowing what the local legislation is on the subject. It is important to also reach a foreign audience”. The device must also make it possible to anticipate a possible increase in prostitution during the next Olympic Games. In France, a client risks a fine of 1,500 euros, a procurer incurs a sentence of up to 7 years and a fine of 150,000 euros.

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