The first criminal trial against Trump begins this Monday: will he end up in jail?

by time news

2024-04-15 06:59:00

It is Monday April 15 the first criminal trial against Donald Trump, perhaps the only one to be held before the November elections. Of all of them, it is the most opaque and difficult to understand for the layman, so we are going to try to explain it.

The prosecutor Alvin Bragga Democrat whose campaign was paid for by Soros, announced about a year ago 34 charges against Trump which, in reality, is the same thing repeated 34 times: it is as if I were accusing someone who steals 34 bags in a store of 34 crimes of theft, one crime per bag. He thus intended the number to overshadow the nature and actual seriousness of the crimes of which he accuses, which are, at best, a technical banality; At worst, a fraud by Bragg himself.

The facts are the following: in October 2016, Donald Trump reached an agreement with porn actress Stormy Daniels to pay her $130,000 so that she would not speak publicly about a sexual relationship that they both had when Trump was already married to Melania and that the politician always has denied, limiting itself to paying to avoid the bad press that would ensue just before the elections. The payment was made by the lawyer Michael Cohen, a kind of problem solver in the style of Mr. Lobo from Pulp Fiction, whom Trump would later reimburse throughout 2017, noting on checks, invoices and accounting entries that they were payments for “fees” from Michael Cohen. A scoring offense is how the 34 come out.

However, false notes are not a crime, at most an offense punishable by a fine, and that assuming that he had the intention to commit fraud. In order to be prosecuted as a crime, there must be someone who has been harmed and they must have been written to conceal another crime. When Bragg announced his indictment he did not clarify what crime it was, which led numerous legal experts, on the left and right of the American political spectrum, to doubt the legal basis of the case. Months later it was worse, because he obviously had to say it and it made no sense.

The crime that Trump would have hidden It would be a crime of illegal financing of his campaign, because as it was a payment made, a priori, to favor his electoral victory, Cohen exceeded the maximum amount he could donate to Trump’s campaign. The bad news for Trump is that Cohen pleaded guilty to that crime to reach an agreement to reduce the sentence for a different crime. The good thing is that even then the federal prosecutor’s office, which is responsible for prosecuting these crimes of irregular financing, decided to accuse Trump of nothing and that This is a federal crime over which Bragg has no jurisdiction.

By legal definition, even though these payments were intended to help Trump get elected, they are not technically campaign expenses. In fact, no one doubts that if that money had come from the campaign then he would have been accused by the federal prosecutor’s office of spending campaign funds on something that is not a campaign expense, legally speaking.

Furthermore, Bragg must prove that the crime in question harms someone, and it seems that his intention is to point out that the fact that Trump was elected affected the Democrats’ inalienable right to win the election, or something like that.

The case, in summary, It’s a farce, a frauda clear example of that “tell me a name and I will find the crime for you”, but it is celebrated in New York, with a prosecutor who hates Trump for political reasons, a judge who hates Trump for political reasons and a jury that will predictably hate Trump for political reasons. So nothing guarantees that he will not be found guilty, even if the matter makes no sense, as happened in the civil case for which he was convicted of overvaluing his assets when requesting a loan, despite the fact that the bank that granted it to him He admitted he was delighted with him as a client.

What would a conviction translate into politically? Trump would use it to victimize himself and accuse the Democrats of applying a law to him that they do not apply to anyone else, which in this case, why fool you, he is right. Biden, the Democrats and the media, if you’ll excuse the repetition, will use it to once again paint him as a horror movie villain. That is, the usual. I have serious doubts that it will change many votes. But it could happen that a president convicted by the courts and immersed in appeals to higher authorities is elected. He doesn’t look pretty.

#criminal #trial #Trump #begins #Monday #jail

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