The flu epidemic is over, the number of people with the flu has fallen sharply

by time news

This conclusion is based on research with data from hospitals, laboratories, the GGD test streets and the Nivel Sentinel Stations, a national network of general practices. Although the flu epidemic is over, people can still get the flu.

About the flu epidemic

The flu epidemic started in March this year. This is special, because a flu epidemic usually starts in December or January. It is probably due to the measures against the spread of the coronavirus, which were in effect in the Netherlands until the beginning of 2022, and which also work against the spread of the flu virus. The flu epidemic lasted about 13 weeks. That is longer than the 9 weeks that a flu epidemic lasts on average in the Netherlands, although the current flu season is difficult to compare with previous flu seasons due to the corona pandemic.

flu shot

The flu shot given last flu season turned out to work better than expected. Preliminary data showed that the flu shot offered 36 percent protection against infection with the flu virus type A. In the Netherlands, the flu virus type A (H3N2) was most common last flu season. The effectiveness of the flu shot against specific type A flu virus was 35 percent. These percentages relate to protection against an infection with the flu virus in patients who visit their GP for this purpose.

Preventing the flu

Although the flu epidemic is over, there are still people who get the flu. Nivel: “Influenza viruses are very contagious and mainly spread through coughing and sneezing. By regularly washing your hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow and by keeping your distance, you reduce the chance that you will transmit the virus to others. Keep this in mind. especially in contact with vulnerable groups of people, because they can become seriously ill from the flu virus.”

The flu epidemic is over, the number of people with the flu has fallen sharply


The flu epidemic that started in mid-March 2022 is over. That is the conclusion of experts from RIVM, Erasmus MC and Nivel. The number of people with flu (influenza) has fallen sharply after the peak in recent weeks. A flu virus is found much less often in the throat and nose samples of people with flu-like symptoms.

Flu epidemic in the Netherlands: how do we prevent absenteeism due to illness?


The corona measures have not only contributed to limiting covid infections, the regular flu and colds were also spread much less due to the one and a half meters away, mouth caps and of course working from home. It is therefore not entirely surprising that the number of flu cases rose sharply after all corona measures were abolished. There has even been an official flu epidemic in the Netherlands for four weeks. How do we deal with that?

Flu epidemic started in the Netherlands


There is officially a flu epidemic in the Netherlands, report research institute Nivel and health institute RIVM. The increase in the number of flu cases is related to the release of the corona measures, which means that people have more contact with each other again.

Nivel: “Possibly a flu epidemic on the way”


Last week the number of people with the flu rose sharply. Several laboratories in the Netherlands report that the number of people with the influenza virus has risen sharply in the past week. Based on these figures and supplemented with information from hospitals, general practitioners and GGDs, we can signal that a flu epidemic may be in the air. This is the conclusion of Nivel, Erasmus MC and RIVM.

Will ‘snot nose protocol’ help workers through flu season?


Employers should use a so-called ‘snot nose protocol’ to make it clear to their employees when they can or cannot come to work. Occupational health and safety services ArboNed and HumanCapitalCare advocate this. The measure is intended to prevent a sharp increase in the number of flu cases and corona infections and therefore absenteeism due to illness this autumn and winter.

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