The footballer who was killed in Ukraine planned to play in Israel

by time news

Jordan Balhassan

Dmitry Martinenko (Instagram)

Dmitry Martinenko (Instagram)

The sad images and difficult stories from Ukraine have been flowing constantly over the last few days, since Russia invaded its territory and led to utter chaos. A tragic story that is also related to our Israeli football comes from Kiev, when it was previously learned that the Jewish footballer Dmitry Martinenko was killed following the bombing of his home by the Russian army.

Martinenko is one of the two Ukrainian footballers killed during the war with Russia (along with Vitaly Spalio). The 25-year-old actor was killed last night with his mother (his father survived) after the Russian army bombed his home in Kiev.

Martinenko was a midfielder / striker who played for Gustomel in the second amateur league in Kiev and was the king of his team’s goals last season. Due to being a Jew who was not supposed to be considered a foreign player, the player is scheduled to arrive in Israeli football this summer ahead of the 2022/23 season.

Agent, Yoav Elimelech, Designated him a team in the first division and the talks were advanced on the subject. In a conversation with ONE, the agent says: “I was impressed by him that he is a very educated person, intelligent and quiet. The connection between us was formed two years ago when I have many Jewish actors from the Russian-speaking community: Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. This is my niche. “Martinenko wanted to come to Israel following the many players who came.”

Agent Yoav Elimelech (Private)Agent Yoav Elimelech (Private)

Do you have any other players who came from these leagues?
“There is a brake that we brought to Kfar Shalem, a Jew, was with the team in the first division and in the national team and this season was with Hapoel Herzliya in the first division North. There is another player in the Premier League in Belarus who grew up in the reserve of Bata Borisov, who we will bring to Israel in the summer. “There is also a player who was captain of CSKA Moscow in his youth, and another who is married to a Jew and should not be considered a foreigner who may come to the Premier League or the National League.”

Elimelech expanded: “This goal was also for Martinenko. There is someone who connects me with the actors. We talked about bringing him to the first division next season and that was the goal. “I spoke with the player during the last few days following the fighting, even today I spoke with another brake from the Ukrainian league, a Jew as well, who he and his wife are also in a bad situation and trying to get out of the Kyiv area.”

The football world was also deeply saddened by the death of Martinenko and also by Vitaly Spallio, another Ukrainian footballer who was killed. The International Football Association (FIFPRO) parted ways with the two: “Our thoughts are with the families, friends and teammates of Vitaly and Dimitri, who were killed during the war. Let them rest in peace. “

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