The former marketing director of the AFE had already filed a lawsuit against Luis Rubiales in 2016

by time news

2023-08-24 20:32:37

Tamara Ramos affirms that the president of the RFEF said about her: Pay no attention to this pregnant woman, her neurons have gone

24 ago 2023 . Updated at 8:31 p.m.

In the year 2016, Tamara Ramoscurrent manager of footballers ON and then marketing director of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players (AFE), sued the entity to terminate her contract after raising her departure to the president and finding drawbacks. The court, upon learning of the reasons he alleged for leaving the union, urged him to extend his complaint to its president, Luis Rubiales.

As reported Reliefthe evidence presented by Ramos in the six pages of his complaint included comments from the now president of the Federation, such as do not pay attention to this pregnant woman. The neurons have gone, on various occasions, accompanied by behavior contrary to dignity, with punches on the table and kicks at the doors. The RFEF denied these accusations.

I have suffered

I have known him for many, many years and I have suffered. What has surprised me is that he finally did it in public, Ramos said when asked about the controversy after the kiss without permission of Rubiales to the player of the national team Jenni Hermosoafter the World Cup final against England.

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In this sense, she pointed out that, on some trips with male soccer players like Iker Casillas or Sergio Busquets, Rubiales expressed himself towards her with phrases like come, come, you have come to put on your knee pads. In this regard, she has stated that these are words that nobody deserves and that what she was doing is working.

In addition, Tamara Ramos has stated that Rubiales also made her intimate questions like the color of her underwear. Being a woman, on top of that in a soccer world where we are few and with the power that it held and holds today, it is difficult to face you, I lamented.

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I think that now it is easier for them to believe me, now they have seen what it is. She has a very good speech, she always has a lot of demagogy and it is very difficult that as a woman they would have believed me, concluded the manager of Futbolistas ON.

Filed in: Luis Rubiales RFEF

#marketing #director #AFE #filed #lawsuit #Luis #Rubiales

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