The Francophonie Games launched with joy in Kinshasa

by time news

2023-07-28 22:04:03

The IX Games of La Francophonie officially began this Friday, July 28 at the end of an opening ceremony which was intended to be festive, joyful and filled with symbols dear to La Francophonie.

Published on: 07/28/2023 – 22:04

2 mn

Special Envoy to Kinshasa,

The opening ceremony of the Francophonie Games in Kinshasa welcomed good people this Friday, July 28 in Kinshasa at the Stade des Martyrs. Around the President of the Republic of the DR Congo, Félix Tshisekedi, were present the President of Togo, Faure Gnassingbé and the Prime Ministers of Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, and Congo-Brazzaville. France was represented by the Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra.

During a ceremony where the various speakers wanted to magnify the ties that unite the French-speaking countries, the master of ceremonies insisted on emphasizing the ” change of narrative, paradigm, perspective of the DRC which materialized, among other things, by the organization of these IX Games of La Francophonie. It is on the same register that remained, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Congo, Christophe Mutundula, who insisted on the fact that the “ infrastructures built were 100% financed by the Congolese State ».

Tshisekedi denounces “ assaults and looting »

After the speech of the administrator of La Francophonie, very flowery and dotted with metaphors promoting Francophone youth and the French language, President Félix Tshisekedi insisted on invoking the spirit of the cantors of La Francophonie by quoting ” Léopold Sédard Senghor, Habib Bourguiba and Norodom Sihanouk “. But the Congolese head of state could not help but take advantage of the platform to denounce ” aggression and looting “of which his country is a victim” with the support of some neighboring countries ».

But it is certain that the Congolese present at the stadium will only remember the spectacle that followed. In Kinshasa’s memory, we haven’t seen this since the Ali-Foreman fight in 1974 “. A colorful performance under the theme of the country’s natural wealth, Congolese youth and of course the essential sappers. The highlight of the show will be the appearance of superstar Fally Ipupa who fired up the audience with his two hits: “May day” and “Blocked”.

The Games are on…

#Francophonie #Games #launched #joy #Kinshasa

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