the French leave the beaches to visit industries

by time news

2023-08-29 21:31:44

Home Eco / Consumer Tourism

Published on 08/29/2023 21:31

Video length: 1 min.

France 2 Article written by France 2 – M.Martel, B.Six, V.Cruard, France 3 Normandie, J.Pires

France Televisions

Foreign visitors have returned in droves to visit France, which has boosted tourism. 88% of French people have also chosen France. Some have been attracted by industrial tourism.

Workers now work under the watchful eyes of vacationers visiting the factory. Automobiles, agri-food, sometimes with practical courses, industrial tourism is increasingly attractive, as in a brasserie in the north of France, visited by France 2 teams. Holidays are now studious for tourists. Beer no longer has any secrets for visitors who can see the work done by the workers.

The Flamanville power plant in the spotlight

At the end of the course, amateurs can taste or buy. In all, they spend an average of 30 euros. Tickets for industrial tourism are snapped up everywhere in France, while many French people are abandoning the beach to venture into places never visited such as the Flamanville power station (Manche). To have this type of holiday, it is better to book in advance.

#French #leave #beaches #visit #industries

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