The funeral prayers of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, International Minister and mates have been carried out

by times news cr

2024-05-22 23:47:20

(24News)The funeral prayers of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, International Minister and mates have been carried out in Tehran at present.

Ibrahim Raisi, Minister of International Affairs and different associates journey to the hereafter, based on international media studies, the our bodies of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and his colleagues have been dropped at Tehran from Tabriz by aircraft, and a guard of honor was introduced to the lifeless Iranian president on the airport. Supreme Chief Ayatollah Khamenei led the funeral prayers of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, International Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian and others in Tehran.

Ibrahim Raisi will probably be buried on Thursday within the premises of Imam Ali Raza Mausoleum in his hometown Mashhad.

In line with the spokesperson of the International Workplace, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will condole the martyrdom of late Ibrahim Raisani and International Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister and different senior ministers may also associate with the Prime Minister.

Supreme Chief Ayatollah Khamenei has introduced a five-day mourning for the demise of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and his associates who died in a helicopter accident. The funeral prayer of his mates was carried out through which hundreds of individuals participated and prayed for forgiveness for the deceased.

After performing the funeral prayers in Tabriz, the our bodies of Ibrahim Raisi and his companions have been transferred to Tehran.

In reference to the final rites, condolence gatherings are additionally ongoing in Iran, mourners are current in giant numbers in Tehran, Najaf, Tabriz and different cities and are paying homage to their chief.

In line with international media, leaders from all over the world additionally participated within the final rites of the Iranian president. Different international locations, together with Russia, Turkey and Afghanistan, introduced that they’d ship their representatives to the funeral prayer.

It must be famous that after the demise of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi in a helicopter accident, Vice President Mohammad Mokhbar has taken over the presidential duties. Common presidential elections will probably be held in Iran on June 28.

2024-05-22 23:47:20

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