The future is today, there is no more time

by time news

twelve o’clock, June 25, 2021 – 09:51

of Fortunato Cerlino

January 1, 2025. The day of truth has finally come. It is no longer a question of conjectures, hypotheses, fantasies. The truth has finally arrived from above and has the limpid consistency of gigantic disks of unknown matter that silently streak the skies of the great capitals of the planet. The news programs all over the world broadcast the same scenes. On the Gulf of Naples, on what remains of the Eiffel Tower, the Kremlin, Big Ben, the White House. On the rubble of a civilization that collapsed on itself within a few years, swallowed up by a devastating fratricidal war that reduced humanity to a few tens of thousands of survivors. The enormous artifacts, which in spite of their size seem lighter than the ether, have been floating above the heads of what remains of mankind since this morning. Shiny ovoid structures, caressed by the simple light of a new dawn.

There are no openings on the vessels, no crevices from which to spy on the visitors’ faces, but everyone knows what they look like.

They arrived late. Someone comments lazily with their nose turned upwards. Whoever listens to him smiles bitterly, bows his head and continues to search among the rubble for something to feed himself and what remains of his family. The little girl dressed in rags who follows him in silence, a battered dog without a leash.

The day of truth has come and yet no one trembles, no one runs away, no one prays. There is little left to save and even less to judge. Visitors are not scary. Past fear. The dark violence with which mankind has destroyed itself over the past five years has taken that away too. Ships from afar have something familiar, something known. They look like leaves that vibrate in the wind, the fruit of an intelligence that is not afraid of showing itself to be peaceful, unarmed. There is no trace of engines driven by fire, profiles of weapons ready to threaten and spread terror. They stand on the air, shivering from time to time, like fragile paper kites.

We couldn’t have arrived earlier. We couldn’t interfere with your free will. We didn’t want to come at all. A few months ago, after the latest nuclear weapons wiped out a large part of the population and pulverized cities and hopes of peace, a voice came from the sky. We waited, with aching heart, for the situation to evolve, leaving you masters of your destiny. A heartfelt, moved voice. We hoped, when the disease hit you, that this was the occasion for you to develop awareness. Your world had to stop for two years. You have had to bury your loved ones, you have been forced to unite, to give the best of your intelligence and your ability to be in solidarity with each other. We really hoped. That was the spark you needed to fuel to rethink the direction your story was taking. Civilizations devoted to dominance, to the reckless exploitation of natural resources, to the hoarding of wealth, are doomed to extinction. Voices have been raised among you of men and women who have tried to point out new paths and new paths. You haven’t listened to them. Confined the danger, you have decided to celebrate your omnipotence and not to make contact with fragility. You have resumed the journey from where it left off. You have stolen and speculated, you have lost the opportunity to transform economies without a future, you have begun to live against nature, showing yourselves deaf to wisdom. You have erected new temples to arrogance, to blindness, you have written new odes to prevarication, to supremacy. You weren’t strong enough to win yourself. It was our intention never to reveal our existence. It would be you, over time, looking for us, discovering us, seeing us. We are not foreigners. We are men and women, like you. Affected many years ago by an environmental and health catastrophe, we decided to reverse the course that was leading us towards extinction. We began to listen to the voice of creation that hosted us again, we understood the importance of being in harmony with nature and nature has revealed its secrets and knowledge to us. We have seen what we persisted in not seeing. We have heard what we persisted in not hearing. We understood that the messiahs our religions spoke of were ourselves. It wasn’t easy, but day after day we practiced renouncing anger, fear, aggression. We got in tune with the universe and the universe started dancing with us again. The God we thought was an idea, law, constraint, disappeared. We have renounced churches, robes, rites, temples, doctrines, scriptures, parties, alignments, philosophies. We have opened ourselves to emptiness, to freedom. It was scary at first, but we helped each other. All this did not come from heaven but from our consciences. Our mystery was buried there. When we were ready to meet, the truths we were looking for evaporated. We no longer needed questions, answers, revelations, but only availability, openness, surrender. We have freed the Gods and deities from the prisons of our terror. We couldn’t share this with you because you weren’t ready. We have witnessed, necessarily helpless, your decline. We are now here to save what you have left behind. We are not angels. We are not God. We are men of good will who have learned from their mistakes. We understood in time that the future is today.

June 25, 2021 | 09:51


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