the G20 condemns the use of force without mentioning Russia

by time news

2023-09-10 07:52:00 – “All States shall refrain from threatening the use of force to seek territorial acquisition against the territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any state.” This is what we read in the final declaration that will be adopted by the G20 Summit in Delhi. A Scompromise solution on which consensus has been reached and which does not explicitly mention the Russia. “With regards to the war in Ukraine – we read in the declaration – while recalling the discussion in Bali, we reiterate our national positions and the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council and the Assembly”.

It took more than 200 hours of negotiations to reach consensus on the G20 declaration that will be adopted by the leaders’ summit today. This was said by the Indian Sherpa of the G20 Amitabh Kant. THEThe team of Indian diplomats held 300 bilateral meetings and circulated 15 drafts with the counterparts on the most controversial point, that relating to the Ukrainian conflict, to reach an agreement, he added “The most complex part of the entire G20 was to reach consensus on the geopolitical parameters (the Russia-Ukraine issue) This was done in 200 hours of non-stop negotiations, 300 bilateral meetings, 15 drafts,” Kant said.

The G20 “emphasizes that all States must act in a manner consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter in its entirety. In line with the United Nations Charter, all States must refrain from threatening or using force to seek territorial acquisition against the territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any state. The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible,” the statement adds.

In the final declaration the G20 also underlines that “cascading crises threaten global growth”and that we need to “urgently accelerate the fight against climate change”: the goal is to “triple the global weight of renewables by 2030”.

The Russian Sherpa rejoices for the G20 position on Ukraine; was formulated “in a balanced way” in the leaders’ final statement at the summit, Svetlana Lukash said in New Delhi. Kiev replied tersely: “There isn’t nothing to be proud of.” “I think this was probably one of the most difficult G20 summits in the almost fifteen-year history of the forum. It took us almost 20 days to agree on the statement,” he added.

Negotiations on the Ukrainian issue were very difficult, but “the collective position of the Brics countries worked”. “Half of the G20 refused to interpret events in the interests of how the West presents them”, Moscow tolerated accusations for a year but the situation “is now reflected in a balanced form”. “I believe that this year all of us, the G20 – concluded Lukash – have actually turned a page in history and the voice of the developing world, the global South, has resonated in full force”.

Biden: “Historic agreement for a new India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor”

“I am proud to announce that the United States, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Italy and the EU have finalized a historic agreement for a new India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor. This project goes far beyond simply laying of tracks. This is a revolutionary regional investment.” The American president, Joe Biden, writes it on X.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, is now expected in Vietnam to take a new step in bilateral relations, in a context of rivalry with China. The American president, after participating in the G20 summit in New Delhi, will travel to Hanoi to meet the leader of the ruling Communist Party, Nguyen Phu Trong. He is expected to sign an “extended strategic partnership”.

So far, Vietnam has concluded such a partnership, which reflects the highest degree of diplomatic closeness, only with Russia, India, South Korea and China. While careful not to be seen as siding with Washington or Beijing, Hanoi shares US concerns about Beijing’s claims in the South China Seale – where Hanoi has rival claims. Furthermore, the United States and Vietnam, a manufacturing hub, have increasingly close trade relations. Washington considers Hanoi an important partner, in light of its intention to establish global industrial circuits to depend less on China.

#G20 #condemns #force #mentioning #Russia

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