The Government is considering expanding the bank tax due to its passivity with deposits

by time news

2023-08-31 11:27:39

The Government is considering demanding another extra effort from the banks after this year it has implemented an extraordinary tax for this sector -and also for energy companies- that taxes their benefits. This is clear from the statements of the acting first vice president, Nadia Calviño, during the interview given this Thursday to Cadena Ser, in which she admitted that “it will be necessary to consider” expanding the tax on banks.

Although Calviño did not clarify whether this extension referred to a tax increase or an extension in time, from the Ministry of Economy they specified that what they are considering in any case is to extend it in time, so it would be in force longer. beyond the two years that they initially imposed.

“It is what we have said at first, that we make decisions at all times,” said the Minister of Economic Affairs, who took the opportunity to send a message to Pedro Sánchez by repeating twice that he hopes to remain in the Government “as vice president first”, even despite his candidacy for the presidency of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Precisely in the next few days -between September 1 and 20- the sector -like the energy companies- will have to make the second payment of the new extraordinary taxes approved by the Government for these sectors, an amount that could exceed 2,900 million for the year as a whole.

The bank tax is levied at a rate of 4.8% on the intermediation margin, that is, the net interest – the difference between what is charged and what is paid – and the net commissions – the difference between what is collected and paid. With it, the Government hopes to raise 1,500 million annually, which will be used to finance measures to mitigate the rise in prices derived from the war in Ukraine. In 2024, the Government will evaluate the results of the provision and the advisability of making these two extraordinary taxes permanent.

The vice president also announced in the interview that “in the coming days” she will meet with the financial sector to demand that they “accelerate” in paying an “adequate” remuneration for deposits after the rise in interest rates. In this sense, despite making it clear that he is aware that financial institutions are not transferring this rise in Euribor “completely” to mortgages, he did defend that “banks do indeed have to progressively remunerate deposits”, something that currently it hardly happens.

more growth

On the other hand, Calviño expressed his desire that “hopefully” they would have time to carry out new General Budgets for next year. But, in any case, given the difficulty of achieving it in view of how long the investiture of a new government may take, he made it clear that this will not jeopardize the arrival of more European funds. Thus, he stressed that the current accounts are “very positive” and allow the European funds to be channeled for next year, before the arrival of new disbursements.

In the same way, he also showed his confidence in the strong growth of the Spanish economy and even advanced that it can grow more than the 2.1% forecast by the Government. “We may have fallen short of growth this year,” he noted.

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