The government’s fake campaign against “Armenian history” has reached unprecedented proportions. Chalabyan – 2024-02-19 23:08:59

by times news cr

2024-02-19 23:08:59

Public-politician Avetik Chalabyan writes: “Yesterday, the campaign launched against “Armenian History” by the current administration reached an unprecedented scale. Using their army of fakes and administrative resources, a group of anti-Armenian bigots on the joint website for the publication of draft legal acts poured almost 1,200 “yes” votes in favor of their absurd project in one day, more than received in the entire first week of public discussion. the number of votes.

It is obvious that this issue has become a field of life and death battle for the regime, which is in an ideological state of mind and is shaken by new corruption scandals, it is now throwing all its propaganda resources into this hopeless battle, the infamous Bagramyan 26 telegram channel, , personally to their coordinator Taron Chakhoyan.

But, come and see, this time the demagogues specialized in brainwashing people do not succeed in defeating the newly rising Armenian civil society. In spite of Faker’s attacks, the number of “against” comments on the website is steadily increasing, real citizens have left about 180 “against” comments on the website, many of them are well-argued at a scientific level, and there is not a single “pro” comment. Entire educational collectives, such as YSU’s Chair of Armenian History, or the History Laboratory of the Mkhitar Sebastasi Educational Complex, have expressed their argued “against” positions, the press has started to write daily about this virtual battle between real Armenian people and faceless fakes of the administration.

This battle the regime has already lost. No matter how much you fill, no matter how much you falsify, no matter how much you deceive, people’s eyes are already opening, people are beginning to understand what your real mission is, they are beginning to see that you have not come to fight looting (witness: yesterday at your own Ministry of Economy the scandalous revelations of the multi-million loot), but to abolish the nation-state, to disenfranchise and erase our past, present and future.

You will not succeed. The biblical Ararat of our coat of arms will not become a backpack, the royal Lion will become a hyena, the majestic Eagle will become a raven. The false values ​​you brought will be swept away by the wind of our mountains like desert dust. That day will come, the sooner you realize it, the less damage you will do to our country, and the sooner we will overcome all the destruction you have caused. Until then, I express my gratitude to all those who do not give up, who fight for the continuation of their species, and who today build the victories of our tomorrow.”

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