The government’s housing plan is unanimously against him

by time news

2023-06-05 18:05:10

Difficult to find a positive reaction to the announcement of measures in favor of housing, detailed Sunday, June 4 by Matignon. The executive says he wants to defuse the “risk of social bomb” what does the housing crisis represent to him? With 330,000 homeless people, more than 4 million poorly housed people, and the growing difficulties of households buying or even renting their homes, professionals in the sector were hoping for a “electroshock”.

In the end, they denounced, in a unanimous barrage, “measurements”detailed Monday evening by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.

This plan, resulting from the discussions of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) on housing, has five objectives: to promote access to property and rental, to support the production and renovation of social housing, to relaunch construction and to increase the energy renovation of the private park.

However, the 14 technical provisions unveiled on Sunday do not include any shock measures such as the supervision of land prices for example.

500 detailed measurements

For Loïc Cantin, president of the Fnaim, “these first proposals are not up to the crisis, whether for social housing or for new and old private housing”, he laments. “While the CNR, in which I participated, had resulted in 500 detailed measurements, the devices unveiled on Sunday are incantatory, imprecise and incomplete”, ton for his part Henry Buzy-Cazaux, president of the Institute of management of real estate services.

New refocusing of the zero-rate loan

The new criteria for the zero-rate loan (PTZ), wanted to be “refocused”, “do not correspond to the housing choices of the French”, deplores Henry Buzy-Cazaux, which will exclude them from this device, which would have been welcome in this period of rising rates.

To respond to this, the government plans to relax the conditions for granting credit, but this can only be done with the agreement of the High Council for Financial Stability, which is due to rule on Tuesday, June 13.

Manuel Domergue, at the Abbé-Pierre Foundation, who participated in the CNR housing, adds a regret: “Social housing is the great absentee. We hoped that the annual puncture of 1.3 billion euros on the turnover of HLM organizations would be eliminated, and that VAT would fall, while the rise in borrowing rates complicates the financing of constructions. »

Pinel disappears

Another ad: “the removal of the Pinel device, without any accompanying measure, is an extremely negative message”, critic Loic Cantin. According to Henry Buzy-Cazaux, rental investment has enabled year after year to build 40,000 new homes per year since 1986.

Lower prices

Taken together, these measures give the impression that the government is not trying to stem the fall in construction.“For this, it would have been necessary to support the three housing players: buyers via a PTZ for all first-time buyers, investors (individuals or companies) via tax reductions and HLMs. But it comes at a cost…” concludes Norbert Fanchon, boss of the real estate developer Gambetta.

As of Sunday, Matignon wanted to respond: “It is not in one go that we solve the entire housing policy. »

#governments #housing #plan #unanimously

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