The GP witnesses police firing warning shots.

by time news

Warning shots were fired by the police during an operation in Malmö’s Solbacken area, but no injuries occurred. Police spokesperson Filip Annas stated that the situation had turned threatening during the planned operation. Two men have been arrested, but their criminal classifications remain unclear. The incident took place on Thursday at 6 p.m. The Special Investigations department will investigate, as is standard when police fire shots. There are also share buttons provided for Facebook, Twitter, and to copy the link.

The police have fired warning shots in connection with an intervention in the Solbacken area in Malmö. No people were injured.

– It was a planned operation. When we were on site, a threatening situation arose, says police spokesperson Filip Annas.

Two men have been arrested. Filip Annas cannot say which criminal classifications are current.

The incident occurred at 6 p.m. on Thursday.

The incident is to be investigated by the department for special investigations, which is routine when the police fire shots.

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