The Gravina bridge, from James Bond to the care of Fai

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 12, 2021 – 11:16

The structure, set of some scenes of the latest 007 film, was among the 20 winners of the Italian Environment Fund call

from Francesco Mazzotta

From words to deeds. For the Bridge of the Gravina Aqueduct in Puglia, the intervention of Fai, the Fund for the Italian environment, becomes a reality. The imposing arched structure that was set for some scenes of the last cinematic chapter of agent 007, the film No Time to Die with Daniel Craig currently on view in all the cinemas of the world, result among the twenty winners of the call for I places of the heart and, unique among the Apulian sites in competition, it officially enters the group of enhancement and restoration projects that will be financed in thirteen regions by the FAI and by Intesa Sanpaolo.

Places of the heart Fai

With their special stories, the sites indicated by the Fund for the environment will enjoy an important intervention linked to the tenth edition of the Places of the Heart census launched in May 2020, with the restart after the first lockdown that had caused the stop to all activities, especially cultural ones.

Despite the pandemic, last year the initiative achieved the best result ever with over 2 million and 353 thousand votes collected and the Cuneo-Ventimiglia-Nice Railway was first in the ranking thanks to over 75 thousand preferences received. In the top ten, with 25,726 and a seventh place in the standings, up to the Ponte dell’Acquedotto di Gravina, a splendid viaduct 37 meters high and 90 meters long which already at the end of the seventeenth century served to reach the Church of the Madonna della Stella. Now, for this and nineteen other places a new page of history is about to be written, announce the leaders of the FAI, who intend to quickly return to the many communities of the country not only structures, but also pieces of historical and cultural memory.

You could also express your preference online, and the Aqueduct Bridge of Gravina in Puglia, whose architecture requires the restoration of the paving, but also of adequate lighting, was the place to have received the highest number of votes at the end of the competition. electronically.

November 12, 2021 | 11:16

© Time.News

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