The Great Bias Factory: This is the biggest threat to Netanyahu’s ideology

by time news

Not at the end of the day, but right now, the protest must present an agenda opposite to that of the coalition. Indeed, “d-mo-cart-ya!” It is an excellent slogan that corresponds with personal freedom and unites the camp. However, as the protest gathers momentum, the fact becomes clear that behind the attempt to rule a dictatorship here is a solid and determined ideology (religion, settlement and apartheid). Not only the escape of Aryeh Deri and Binyamin Netanyahu from prison and jobs for associates.

A protest gathers energy of an onslaught to protect personal freedom, but its effective realization is in the political game, not as a party but with an opposing ideology. For example, the sharpening of the differences between the people’s army in the version of the Mohimites and the army of Alor Azaria in the version of the government of Itamar Ben Gabir, Netanyahu and Bezalel Smotrich (dance of soldiers and rioters this week in Hawara). Especially when the protest of reserve security personnel corresponds with the opposition that actually manages the security system vis-a-vis the government.

The IDF on its arms and the Shin Bet are currently conducting an open confrontational policy in the face of the government’s chaotic rioting. In the army they say (Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi) that “the IDF is outside of politics”. Niha But what is protecting the justice system if not politics? Not to mention soldiers and pilots who, without an independent judicial system, risk prosecution at the International Criminal Court in The Hague for their activities in the West Bank and Gaza. This is the real problem and not the Iranian misrepresentation.

This week, Defense Minister Yoav Galant met with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, American General Mark Milley. Gallant published that “the talks dealt with the necessary cooperation to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.” Milley did not respond, and later met with Hertzi Halevi. A spokesman for Milley reported that “The Iranian nuclear issue was not the main focus of the talks, but Iran’s regional activities and the defensive coordination against it, and not plans to attack it.” At the top of the agenda, according to Milli: “preventing an escalation in the Palestinian arena, including strengthening the security forces in the Palestinian Authority.”

At the same time, the Minister of Strategic Affairs, Ron Dermer, and the head of the National Assembly, Tzachi Hanegbi, visited Washington this week to reprimand them for the “reform”, along with a demand to calm down the Hvara rioters in the government and on the ground. Iran yuk. How do I know? Everyone knows. You don’t have to be in a room to know that Israel It is impossible to push a pin in the American-European “hold” policy against Iran. Especially when IAEA Chairman Raphael Grossi held talks in Tehran last week with the aim of renewing the nuclear agreement. “An Israeli military attack is an illegal action,” he said there, comparing the The Israeli intention for the Russian attack on the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine.

It could be that the Iranians are working on it in the context of the possibility of resuming talks. Just as it could be that the Netanyahu government is working on us, both regarding the Iranian threat and regarding the attack on the nuclear sites. The problem is that in the meantime the money is pouring out like water, when it is clear that Netanyahu’s nuclear policy is an unfolding disaster.

Stunts and eliminations

I really sometimes wonder what is going on there in the prime minister’s office, or in his own head. First he pushed US President Donald Trump to torpedo the nuclear deal, which accelerated development, while mobilizing the security establishment to sting Iran. This week they had fun here in joint exercises as a “defense” of the Gulfs against Iranian aggression, with the IDF and the Air Force on the standard of the mercenaries of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

I have always been sure that a policy that bypasses Palestinians through the Abraham Accords is bound to fail. Especially for lies, false promises, fights in al-Aqsa and violence in the territories that crossed the threshold of turning a blind eye on the part of the Arabs, even before the pogrom in Hawara. This is a policy that is currently ending with a cold shoulder from the Saudis and the cancellation of Netanyahu’s visit to the United Arab Emirates, and of course Iran’s leapfrogging on the way to a nuclear bomb.

The problem: Netanyahu’s Iran syndrome managed to drag the security establishment after him through the false maxim of a mythological existential enemy. For those who wonder how the system mobilized in favor of a wrong policy (if not malicious, to create the appearance of a looming threat), the answer is that the system mobilized easily, and enthusiastically.

When the faucet of the treasury is open without control, when a lot of good people have a lot of time and money to perform surgical operations – the system responds Pavlovian. Especially when it comes to saving the people, the country – and the Prime Minister says also saving the world. Indeed, thanks to several stunts and assassinations, the Mossad is the official savior of the State of Israel from destruction. This is of course nonsense. The Mossad’s work is based on stings that have nothing to do with real power relations and super-strategies that dictate the real situation.

And not that Iran does not want a bomb or that it is a reformed country. In a realistic assessment, it will have a vague nuclear option – which will put the entire region in a balance of nuclear terror and neutralize the Israeli option, and that’s a good thing. If I have to judge the judgment of the leaders of Iran and Israel, it is clear that I trust more in the judgment of the Ayatollahs and less in the judgment of the Messianic rabbis who conduct the blood feast here.

Alongside the Mossad, which fuels the Iranian threat with sophisticated operations, the special units also contribute their part in eradicating terrorism. They are also part of the great bias factory. While the government and the security policy suffer blow after blow at the strategic level – from an eternal intifada to a resounding international failure in Iran – the special units manage special operations to eradicate terrorism.

It is not about the violent gendarmerie in the territories that are depicted and photographed like an operation from the movies. There it is a hunting safari with a power ratio of 100 to 1. Like the institution, the special units usually have planning time, money and excess creativity. No fun? Yes. Among other things, this is an excellent survival program that every young (and young?) mind deserves to go through. Preferably without fulfilling futile moral needs and without killing and being killed of course.

Operation in the Askar refugee camp (Photo: Nasser Ishtia, Flash 90)

Operation in the Askar refugee camp (Photo: Nasser Ishtia, Flash 90)

Years ago, in order to express the agitated spirit of the Beit Yisrael masses who despaired of the continuing failure of the IDF in the war of attrition, a special unit was called out to carry out an “operation from the movies”. These are not my words but those of the then Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Lev, who welcomed us After one of those promotions. He conveyed a feeling that we saved the country. In practice, it was one of those operations – indeed spectacular that produced sensational headlines – but without any political-strategic lesson.

The Iran syndrome also affects the Air Force. With them, too, the money tap is open and every shifty stealth slips under the radar of political-strategic calculations, and the tool itself becomes a strategy. True, that is not what the refuseniks of the pilots are protesting, and still, the biggest threat to Netanyahu’s ideology is the token that is currently unfolding on the way to a clearer understanding of the bluff of his policy. From Iran to two countries, from the eradication of terrorism to the elimination of the cost of living.

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