The greatest, most important and most meaningful mark I can leave on the world is my children

by time news

H Jenny Balatsinou she talked about her career, motherhood and life next to a politician, among other things, on the show “Pame Danae”.

First, he spoke about the modern era and the place of women in it: “I find that the times are changing with great speed. In any case, a woman by nature is a multifaceted creature. Necessarily, the times require us to wear many more hats and juggle daily between what we want and what we can. Even the working environment has not evolved over the years, from the wage gap to the stereotypes that prevail in a workplace.”

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She then spoke about her professional career and revealed that she has changed many different fields.

«If I think that I have been working since I was 18, I consider that I have changed many careers and reinvented myself over the years many times. I experimented in many professional fields, different from each other. The hardest thing for me was selling, when I had the cosmetics company, when someone I knew came to the store to buy something, I felt ashamed, I hid, I made the girls come in front.. I always had a guilt to say that I do something well, that I am good at something, while if you tell me that you want me to do something for you, I can “sell” you amazingly…”noted Jenny Balatsinou.

Then he said:In general, I like people who are humble, who in all this everyday life are not touched by grandeur. For me, they played an important role and gave me strength, without knowing it, my children… It is a survival mechanism. When you are not alone, and you are not only responsible for yourself, but you have three children, when things change a little violently in your life, there are some mechanisms that are activated and make you take the risk, to dive into waters that are not you know, to learn quickly…”.

And he added: “This is very difficult when it happens. It involves fear of the unknown, but through the difficulties – and I am grateful for that – I learned a lot about myself. And I discovered that I had potential that I never thought existed.”

Elsewhere, speaking about the birth of her fourth child, Jenny Balatsinos confessed: “Becoming a mother again at an old age, and after three children, was something I never imagined, nor was it planned. At first I was worried about whether I would be able to be as dedicated in this new situation. I did not expect that these feelings would be born even more consciously due to maturity.. It is indescribable. I am blessed. It’s the best thing that could happen, even at this age. Everything is different, I’m reliving it all over again, because I’m different too… Motherhood is the greatest, the most important, the most essential imprint I can leave behind on the world is my children, and even more the love I can to leave to my children. This is the property one can leave, love, understanding, to develop myself by learning from my children… There is no better university of life than motherhood.”

In addition, Jenny Balatsinou referred to her life next to her husband, Vassilis Kikilia: “Every job has its obligations, so does that of a politician. He is my husband, I am his wife, we both have our workplaces, a house we love, the people we love, our social obligations… What is no longer there are the carefree summers. The last thing anyone wants to hear is whether I’m on vacation or not, it doesn’t really matter. Once you accept to put on this suit, it has its good and bad, you can’t complain.”

At the same time, she shared her perspective on how she handles negative comments and public life: “I have been in the public sphere for 35 years. When you’re young you care a lot about the opinion of others, but growing up, and having a clear conscience that every day you try to do your best, you can’t keep everyone happy. I have certainly been upset in the past and felt that some of my words may have been misunderstood. But in general I don’t answer, I rarely answer and mainly only when something has been written about my children”.

Finally, Jenny Balatsinou commented on beauty standards: “If I’m not well internally and mentally, I can’t have a good time. On the outside, I thank God for blessing me in a way that some like me and some don’t. Playing sports is a way of life, it’s my personal time, which I don’t give to anyone. When it comes to beauty standards, what saddens me is seeing women living up to an image based on social media. Unfortunately, girls get into the process of doing things to themselves from a very early age, which they might later regret… All in all, excellent.”

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