The Harel Group will implement ChatGPT to maintain contact with customers –

by time news

This, as part of the implementation of the relevant system of OpenAI, the company behind the ChatGPT ● The system is based on Microsoft’s cloud, Azure ● Currently it is a pilot, which, if successful, will be implemented in the entire insurance company

ChatGPT – also in Harel Hamishmer.Photo: ShutterStock

The ChatGPT revolution also reaches the worlds of insurance and finance: the insurance company Harel In recent days, a large-scale pilot has begun, the first of its kind in the industry, within the framework of which the capabilities of ChatGPT and other services from OpenAI in the company’s customer service system and in the work of its operators. This, based on Azure, the cloud of Microsoftwhich is the prominent investor in OpenAI.

The system will make it possible to immediately receive a summary and summary of a call between the operator and the customer, as well as provide insights within a few seconds. Today, the operator must type the content of his conversation with the customer and upload it to the CRM. The information that the new system will provide will come not only from the conversations, but also from emails, online chats and scanning of documents that the customer sent – which will create continuity in the interaction with him.

Shai Galila, CEO

Shay Galila, CEO of Harel Hamshmir Computers. Photo: Geva Talmor

according to A scrollCEO Harel Hamishmar Computers, this activity is expected to significantly shorten the time for handling customer inquiries. “The decision to embark on a pilot is part of the digital transformation process that we have been leading in recent months, and it is intended to significantly improve customer service, as well as to streamline and shorten work processes,” he said.

In the first stage – experiments on the offline system

Galila explained that in the first phase the company is entering a pilot in which they will perform experiments on the system offline – that is, in parallel with the existing system. This is to check the degree of compatibility of the system with the Hebrew language and its level of accuracy in it. According to Galila, the pilot will end within three months, and if it is crowned with success, the system will start working online. Beyond that, said Galila, “this is a real revolution in the experience of employees at the call center: they will be able to ask questions and receive answers from source screens and internal documentation, and serve customers better.”

The project is led at Microsoft by the data and artificial intelligence group in the CTO division, headed by Avi Yoshaithe company’s VP of Technology in Israel, and the finance team in its business sector division, headed by Crystal witnesses.

Avi Yoshai, VP

Avi Yoshai, VP of Technologies of Microsoft Israel. Photo: Inbal Marmari

According to Yoshai, “We see how business entities integrate the ChatGPT capabilities using Azure OpenAI in their systems, with the aim of allowing employees a new and efficient way to deal with daily tasks. This is also the case in Harel.”

In response to a question about the challenge of Hebrew in the system, Yoshai said: “OpenAI learns about huge amounts of information from the Internet, and as such knows all the languages ​​spoken on the Internet. In addition, Microsoft has been investing for many years in models of the Hebrew language in its broad artificial intelligence portfolio, and these models will fill the gap in the Hebrew language , to the extent that there are any in use in OpenAI”.

Azure OpenAI is an artificial intelligence service of Microsoft’s Azure cloud that was launched a few weeks ago. The service allows access to the OpenAI GPT-x and Codex language models through the Azure platform, and among other things provides a conversation interface that allows the user to ask questions and receive answers in natural language and quickly – an interface known as ChatGPT. These models can be adapted for additional and highly useful tasks, such as content creation, search and summarization.



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