The head of Sciences Po was taken into police custody for “domestic violence”

by time news

2023-12-04 22:30:00

New scandal for the elite school in France. Sunday evening, the director of Sciences Po Paris, Mathias Vicherat, was taken into police custody in a case of domestic violence. He was released Monday afternoon, but the investigation continues.

After the Court of Auditors noted the financial setbacks of Richard Descoings, president of Sciences Po from 1996 to 2012, and his successor Frédéric Mion was forced to resign for having concealed suspicions of incest targeting the political scientist Olivier Duhamel, here we go that Mathias Vicherat is under investigation for domestic violence.

Lead by example, they say. For a school that wants to be avant-garde, elitist and internationally renowned, that’s impressive. Especially since in November 2021, when he took over the reins of Sciences Po, he declared gender-based and sexual violence “absolute priority”.

Do as I say, not as I do. It is perhaps the fact of having gone through the ENA, in the same promotion as Emmanuel Macron, which gave him this tendency…

In any case, he and his partner accuse each other of violence, even if “the medical-judicial unit did not find total incapacity for work in either of them, and neither of them wanted to file a complaint at this stage.” The investigation is therefore continuing “preliminary”, according to the public prosecutor.

The institution, parent of 15,000 students, has not yet commented. At the same time, what can I say?

#Sciences #police #custody #domestic #violence

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