The health insurance company rejected him shortly before the operation – 2024-05-13 18:43:32

by times news cr

2024-05-13 18:43:32

Heinz Hoenig not only has a health problem, but also a financial problem. His wife now explains how this emergency could have come about.

Heinz Hoenig has been in the intensive care unit since last week. The actor has already undergone emergency surgery and two further procedures are required. The 72-year-old needs a new aorta and the esophagus must also be removed. The first operation is scheduled to take place on Monday morning, May 13th. First there is the operation on the esophagus.

Always by his side during this difficult time: his wife Annika. Not only are they worried about their partner, the family’s financial situation is also a headache. There is currently talk of surgery costs amounting to 140,000 euros. Since Heinz Hoenig does not have health insurance, his relatives are launching an appeal for donations. A step that also provokes criticism. In a TV interview, Annika Kärsten-Hoenig now reveals why this campaign is necessary.

Application for compulsory follow-up insurance unsuccessful

Annika Kärsten-Hoenig explains on “stern TV am Sonntag” that her husband earned good money as an actor. She can also understand that many people are of the opinion that Heinz Hoenig should have taken better precautions. “But you also have to say that actors and self-employed people have to finance everything in life themselves. These are high insurance premiums, including for private health insurance, etc. If you just have to pay for everything yourself, then you can have reserves and resources – and at some point they are used up,” she points out.

The “Das Boot” actor was dropped from private health insurance at times when things weren’t going well for him financially. It was only in 2021 that Annika Kärsten-Hoenig found out that her partner was not insured. “Since then, we’ve been trying everything to get him back into health insurance. It’s not possible. No matter what, we’re rejected, rejected, rejected,” she explains. She was also unable to include Heinz Hoenig in her family insurance, which she has for herself and her children.

Private health insurance is also not an option at the moment: “Of course they are incredibly expensive if someone has pre-existing conditions. You can quickly reach the amount of 2,500 euros per month. But if you only get 1,000 euros in pension, I don’t need a mathematician to find out it doesn’t work.”

Until shortly before Heinz Hoenig’s first operation, his wife tried to insure him. Two weeks ago she submitted an application for compulsory follow-up insurance. This is a voluntary compulsory insurance policy that ensures that people who have withdrawn from membership in a statutory health insurance company continue to have uninterrupted insurance coverage by law. But this effort was also unsuccessful: “A few days ago the letter came home: rejected,” reports Annika Kärsten-Hoenig.

“There are no words for it”

The mother of two is desperate: “What else should we do? The social welfare office won’t step in, the health insurance companies aren’t prepared to take him in. It can’t be done through family insurance. We’re slowly at our wits’ end.” Their only hope: the fundraising campaign for Heinz Hoenig, which has now raised over 156,000 euros (as of May 13, 9:30 a.m.).

Annika Kärsten-Hoenig is overwhelmed by the willingness to help of the numerous supporters: “There are no words for the amount of humanity that is being shown to us right now. Even people who say they have little money or a small pension are ready Donate euros.” Both she and Heinz Hoenig are aware that this willingness cannot be taken for granted – and now want to focus fully on the upcoming operation.

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