the High Authority for Health recommends a new reminder for the most fragile

by time news

The High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends a second booster anti-Covid vaccine in the fall for people most at risk of serious forms. This fourth dose (after the two doses of the initial vaccination and the first booster) should particularly concern people aged 65 and over as well as the immunocompromised and their entourage, specifies the HAS in a notice made public on Wednesday May 25.

→ EXPLANATION. Covid-19: fourth dose of vaccine, why the government is targeting the over 80s

For HAS, the evolution scenario ” most likely “ of the health crisis is that of an impact “lesser” virus circulation “thanks to a lasting and sufficient immunity making it possible to limit serious forms and deaths”.

Recommendations based on an optimistic scenario

However, HAS considers it likely that the circulation of the virus will “periodically re-intensifies”. This is why it recommends developing a vaccine strategy ready to be deployed in the months to come. Vulnerable people are particularly “immunocompromised people and their entourage, people aged 65 and over and/or with comorbidities at risk of a serious form”.

In order to facilitate the organization of the campaign, the HAS indicates that it is preferable to couple the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in the fall with that of the flu. The institution specifies that “many uncertainties” persist on the evolution of the epidemic, and that its recommendations are likely to evolve. HAS recalls that in the event of the emergence of a new more severe or more transmissible variant, it is necessary to be ready to anticipate the scenario of a new large-scale vaccination.

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