The husband of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, hospitalized after a violent attack at his home

by time news

Paul Pelosi, husband of Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrats in the American House of Representatives, was “violently attacked”, Friday, October 28, announced Drew Hamill, spokesperson for the leader.

The assailant broke into the couple’s residence in San Francisco around 2:30 a.m. (local time), the police said. New York Times. Obviously looking for Mme Pelosi, he would have shouted “Where’s Nancy?” » before violently beating her husband with a hammer. Mr Pelosi, 82, was transferred to hospital, where he is receiving“excellent care”added the spokesperson for Pelosi in a statement.

Threats against members of Congress on the rise

The White House condemned the attack and said that the president of the United States, Joe Biden, had spoken with Mme Pelosi in the morning. “The President is praying for Paul Pelosi and Speaker Pelosi’s entire family”said his spokeswoman, Karine Jean-Pierre, in a press release.

The motives of the suspect, who was taken into custody, are the subject of an investigation involving the federal police (FBI) and the Capitol police, responsible for protecting members of Congress.

Less than two weeks before the mid-term elections, several American elected officials have warned about the renewed violence targeting them. According to the Capitol police, threats against them have more than doubled since 2017.

Le Monde with AP and AFP

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