The Importance of Cleaning Your Shower Head and How to Do It Without Using Bleach – Expert Tips

by time news

2024-01-26 16:16:41

A cleaning expert revealed why it is important to clean the shower head or in its popular name: the douche, often and why bleach should not be used. She recommended a simple and inexpensive trick involving a sandwich bag and a glass to clean the shower head.

The douche, it turns out, is one of the least clean items in the house, as it is full of bacteria and scale. Many tend to clean it only once a year, but the cleaning expert recommended doing it more often. Hai explained that the small, dark holes in the shower head are full of bacteria. The bacteria are not dangerous unless the user suffers from a weakened immune system. However, it is important to clean so that many bacteria do not accumulate.

@madamesweat This is by far the easiest way to clean your shower head #shower #showerhead #showers #clean #bath #bathroom #cleaning #cleaningtips #cleaningmotivation #cleaninghacks #cleaninghack #cleaninghouse #madamesweat #askmadamesweat #easy #vinegar #water #diy #bacteria #buildup ♬ Air on a G String (Bach) – Ian Post

She advised not to use bleach for cleaning, because the substance triples the amount of bacteria. Instead, she recommends a mixture of vinegar and water. The trick is to fill a sandwich bag with a glass of water and a glass of vinegar, wrap the shower head in the bag and soak for several hours. The vinegar is acidic and will help remove the scale.

It is recommended to soak in this way between 4 and 8 hours, and even allow boiling water to flow over the shower head afterwards to kill the bacteria. This is a simple and cheap way to deep clean the shower head without having to disassemble it. It is recommended to do this once every two months to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and scale.

#cleaning #shower #whats #hidden #clean

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