The Importance of Flu Vaccinations for Heart Patients: German Heart Foundation Recommends Protection From Additional Damage

by time news

2023-12-15 18:22:04
German Heart Foundation Urges Heart Patients to Get Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccinations

Frankfurt am Main – The German Heart Foundation is urging patients with heart disease to protect themselves from additional damage caused by the flu by getting the appropriate vaccinations. According to the foundation, the risk of serious illness from the flu or subsequent infections is significantly increased in heart patients.

Influenza affects the heart in around one in ten sufferers, with conditions such as myocarditis being a potential complication. Additionally, a severe case of the flu or a pneumococcal infection can lead to heart failure and hospitalization for heart patients. As a result, the German Heart Foundation CEO Thomas Voigtländer emphasized the importance of heart patients getting vaccinated against both the influenza virus and pneumococci.

The foundation also highlighted the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) for booster vaccinations against COVID-19 for people with an increased risk of severe coronavirus courses. This recommendation comes in light of the increasing number of COVID-19 infections.

Experts have warned that flu viruses can be particularly dangerous for heart patients due to several factors. Firstly, the viruses can spread throughout the body and attack the heart, not just the respiratory tract. Additionally, the lungs of patients with heart failure are vulnerable, making them more susceptible to infections.

Dr. Voigtländer, who is also the medical director of the Agaplesion Bethanien Hospital in Frankfurt am Main, explained that weakened hearts can lead to blood backing up in the lungs, increasing the risk of infections. He emphasized that timely flu vaccinations or booster vaccinations adapted to new coronavirus variants can help reduce this risk.

In light of this information, the German Heart Foundation is urging heart patients to prioritize getting flu and pneumococcal vaccinations to protect their hearts from additional harm.]
#Experts #recommend #recommended #protection #flu..

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