The Importance of Folic Acid During Pregnancy: Prevention of Neural Tube Defects and Testing Blood Levels

by time news

2023-06-17 22:35:42

If the embryo is not given enough during pregnancy folic acid supplied, there is a risk of so-called neural tube defects. This can result in an “open spine” or anencephaly, a severe malformation in which parts of the skullcap and brain are missing. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy A sufficient supply of folic acid is therefore essential. About how much folic acid a pregnant women should take, the scientific opinions differ, reports “”. There are also certain gene mutations that can cause the folic acid concentration in the blood to drop, so that deficiencies and thus embryonic malformations can occur unnoticed.

Detect folic acid in the body

In order to display the existing folic acid reserves in the body, a corresponding blood test is necessary before pregnancy, according to the specialist journal. Scientists at the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta have set limits for folic acid blood tests determined. For this, the researchers evaluated studies from China in which the effects of the administration of folic acid were examined.

From this study, the US scientists determined a limit of 1000 nanomoles per liter of blood. The body should have enough folic acid to prevent malformations. However, this value only applies to the concentration of folic acid in the red blood cells. According to the researchers, the concentration in the plasma can be subject to greater fluctuations. In order to find out how high your folic acid level is, it is best to speak to your doctor about a blood test before you and your partner start planning your family.

folic acid in food

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, can be consumed by pregnant women in the first few months dietary supplements eat. The water-soluble vitamin is also found in many everyday foods. As can be read on “”, for example, cabbage and lamb’s lettuce contain a particularly large amount of folic acid. Furthermore, the important substance is also a component of nuts, almonds, asparagus, bananas, whole grain products, liver and yeast.

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