The incredible resemblance between La Joaqui and her mother: tattoos, long hair and the same smile | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-11-02 13:41:51

Joaqui has once again been very active on social networks, although she uses them mainly to share issues related to her musical career. However, from time to time we can see her daughters, her friends and recently her mother.

The singer shared a video on Instagram in which you can see her mother making tea and followers were shocked by the great resemblance of the “butakera” to her mother.

In the funny clip, La Joaqui is heard saying: “Mom, tell me what you gave me for my birthday and why,” to which her mother responds: “Special tea because you are a fan of tea” and this causes laughter in both of them.

“It’s called thread tea, mommy!” the singer shouts and showed the designer cups in which they were preparing the infusion and the mother gave a sort of brief tutorial to show how it is made.

La Joaqui’s mother also has multiple tattoos and they have a great physical resemblance, something that could also be noticed between the singer and her daughters.

La Joaqui’s new song

Regarding her musical present, the Argentine RKT reference will premiere another song from Mal aprendida, after having recently released “Anocecemos”, a song that is already among the first trends on YouTube and marks her return to the music after a brief impasse.

The new track from his new album is titled “Sexxxo” and will feature the participation of Omar Varela and Ecko. The premiere date is announced for this Thursday at 9 p.m. and to anticipate it, he published a fragment of the video clip.

“None of those are going to touch you like I do, I know you like it when I look at you and f*** you off,” can be heard in the brief preview and you can see La Joaqui in her most sensual and provocative version along with to Ecko.

“Scratched back, the others are angry, you are all wet,” says the rag picker and they played what appears to be an uncensored song with explicit allusions to sex, a key theme of La Joaqui’s music.

This December, La Joaqui will present her new songs and hits at Luna Park in a completely sold-out concert that will mark her first time in the legendary concert hall.

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