The ‘indestructible’ mobile with which they can steal your car in minutes

by time news

2023-05-17 00:06:42

Did you know that the historic Nokia 3310 is used for car thefts and can cost between 2,500 and 18,000 euros? This ‘indestructible’ mobile has a new technology incorporated that is capable of opening and starting a vehicle without having to have the key. In addition, according to the latest data published by the Ministry of the Interior, during 2022 there have been a total of 30,982 vehicle thefts in Spain, which represents a 17.3% increase compared to 2021.

Vehicles have evolved “extremely, offering technological developments that make it easier for us to drive, open or start without having to insert the key into it. These functional enhancements make them, in turn, more vulnerable to opening and/or theft», explains the ABC Jose Ignacio Rubiocountry director of LoJack Spain.

«The starting method through a Nokia brand telephone is the one that has achieved the most popularity, but there are other technological elements that allow cloning the opening/start signal of the vehicle or generating a duplicate vehicle key in a few minutes» , Add.

And it is that since avoiding theft is an almost impossible mission, LoJack recommends using location/recovery systems that allow the vehicle to be recovered in case of theft. But why have vehicle thefts in Spain increased so much?

“The world of auto theft has also undergone a digital transformation. Thanks to it, thieves have discovered new ways to carry out their misdeeds, taking advantage of the fact that vehicles have become true ‘computers on wheels’. This technological development has, in turn, a double-edged sword, since new technological means can be used to make the vehicle vulnerable to access to it or its starting”, Rubio emphasizes.

In the event that a vehicle is stolen, “it is important that owners resort to the most advanced technology to recover them quickly. LoJack’s radio frequency (VHF) is one of the most effective methods to achieve this, since it allows vehicles to be located in areas without GPS coverage or, inhibited by means of ‘jammer’ systems, thus increasing the chances of recovery. It is crucial that vehicle owners are aware of the new theft techniques and take the necessary measures to protect their vehicles against the new theft techniques”, points out the country director of LoJack Spain.

Given this, and although it is difficult to prevent vehicle theft, there are technologies capable of recovering them. “The most effective option is radio frequency (VHF), which has a great advantage over GPS/GSM/GPRS signal jammers used by many thieves, or if the vehicle is hidden in a garage or basement, this technology locates it without problems, offering the highest recovery rate in the market. It is a reliable and global system, so the provision of the service in other European countries where LoJack is present is simple and effective”, he concludes.

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