The infinite career of Brianeitor, protagonist of CampeoneX: “My ‘haters’ say that he should not have been born”

by time news

2023-07-23 00:00:29



Updated Sunday, July 23, 2023 – 00:00

“All I know is that you have to run, run without knowing why, through fields and woods… despite the cheering crowds… Feel the loneliness of a long-distance runner.” The phrase is heard in the mythical film by Tony Richardson. It’s pronounced by Tom Courtenay, but it might as well have been Brian, Brian Albacetemuch better known among the crowd that he calls people like Brianeitor. Brianeitor (for Brian, for the Terminator and because he feels like it) is 21 years old, a delicately black humor proof of doomsayers and, despite the inconveniences of the pure inconvenience in which he has had to be (which is not), he runs. He does it his way -not in the depressed England of the 60s, but in the Piedras Redondas neighborhood of Almera-, but he runs.

He runs when he gets up and his father Paco showers him for almost an hour; she runs when he eats, slowly and little, also with the help of his father; he runs when because of a flu he has stayed away from his computer (his real lung) and from his people (his heart) for a week; he runs without caring what he drags with him a machine that breathes for him because his lungs, lazy as Brian’s sleepyhead, refuse to do it; He races in his wheelchair from one side of a room to the other watched over by countless owl-eyed bobbleheads also called Funko Pops.

He runs whenever his siblings Sebastian and Jade run; he runs in the movie ChampionX who stars (that’s what it’s all about, people who run, not basketball); runs in the documentary of his rushed life that Álvaro Longoria has filmed and what will be seen in San Sebastián; run not because I’m late but because you have to keep running; runs without having to move from the site. “I’m not in a hurry,” Brian says about placing his signature (his specialty) on each movement he makes. Run, Brian, through the fields and the woods…

to know ms

The final interview.

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The second part of champions, Javier Fesser’s film that some time ago revealed us in front of the mirror of each one of our disabilities, hits the billboards in August and does so with an exceptional star, a guy who runs, an individual thinner than thinner, more acid than just funny, more Brianeitor than Brian. “I started with this network thing in March of last year. 2022 was my year,” he says by way of introduction. “A few months later they called me for a casting. A casting! It’s not that I couldn’t believe it, it was just incredible. me! To a casting! I! In a movie! I did and soon after spoke to the director. He told me if he wanted to go to Madrid. It was shortly before filming began,” he says, and he does it between calm and proud, between surprised and like someone who doesn’t want the thing. He remembers that at first his character was a girl “who fell in love or something like that”, but that in the end his character was him. Without more, entirely him. And that made him rewrite everything and do it running.

I started on social media in March of last year. A few months later they called me for the casting of ‘CampeoneX’

Right now we are Brian, his father, his two brothers, the photographer and the one who writes in the middle of a torrid summer afternoon from which we are kept safe thanks to the happy contradiction of a cold air, by conditioning, that runs. Brian you are about to start a Twitch session. He takes his time. You have to get high. The keyboard on one side is upright, not the other. “I used to get by with the Play controller, but I can’t anymore,” she says. Now with a mouse, which is also a small goldsmith’s piece adapted to his hand, and with the up, down, left and right keys, Brian demonstrates a virtuoso in the game Fall Guys. “It’s a bit like Yellow Humor,” she describes.

You have to place the lights, the microphone, the camera shot… It takes time because Brian is a perfectionist and his father is a patient. There is no perfection without patience. “A little more to the right… Put my head on… The camera is crooked… Let’s see. Brian, it’s okay… No, can’t you see I’m coming out from the side…”. And so. “Hello, people. I’ve had a cold and we haven’t seen each other,” he tells people about him. The messages follow each other at the same rate that happens, why not, life itself. “How am I, on wheels,” he says. Serious. And I will be. “If you fall, you get up, if you fall, you get up… Well, everyone except me,” he adds. Serious. And I will be. On the screen the creatures with tiny black eyes start to run and, as the title of the game says in English, they fall. But they run.

Brian was born like we were all born. He was born a day to which a night happens. Or vice versa. He was born hugging his mother and with his father by his side. To whom he also hugged quickly. But soon Brian began to be Brian. Degenerative muscular atrophy with spina bifida. The name impresses. And she scares. Brian says it quickly with no more meaning than descriptive, but as soon as he pronounces it, a silence opens that only Brian is capable of breaking. “Actually, that was not the first thing that happened to me in life. The first thing that happened to me in life is that My mother died when she was barely a month old.. The disease came later, when I was five months old,” he says, and now the silence gives us time to build a castle, a concrete castle, hard and ugly. “It had to be something from the birth, perhaps,” continues Paco. “She complained [habla de la madre] of headaches. We went to one doctor, then another. I took pills. And nothing. The last time we went to the hospital, he fell and stayed there. A stroke.”

Brianeitor in his room, during a video game session through Twitch.

brian is dependent in a percentage of 87%. I mean, a lot. “As soon as I open my eyes, I need help. I get up late because I like to sleep. I’m a sleepyhead. The first thing I do is call my father and the first thing he does is put my cell phone in front of me to see what has happened on the networks. Then, after taking a shower and that, I get to work editing videos,” he describes the race with brilliance. For Brian, what he does is leisure, because he likes it, and a job, “because I live from it.” A quick run through the numbers: TikTok: 2,1 millones; Twitch: 230.000; Instagram: 190.000; Youtube: 110.000; Twitter 30.000. The numbers are the followers. Paco, next to him, nods. “He has always been a happy boy and eager to do things. He would go out into the street, play with his friends, fight with them and when someone messed with him, he would run him over with the chair. He has been with her since he was four years old and from the first day he was in terrifying danger. Normally, things for children, “he says. Brian’s legs stopped first. And the first step of him was sitting. And his second of him, and without getting up from the chair, running.

It bothers me that they treat me like a 12 year old. It’s the only thing that really irritates me

Sebastian, his brother and son of Paco’s second wife, says that he gets along well with Brian. “I hit him with my hand and he hits me with chairs.” What is said to get along like brothers. He also says that he is very proud of him. He says this with a phrase that without being his at all (sounds very movie-like), he actually finds his place perfectly between her wide-open eyes. Jade, the youngest sister, doesn’t want to talk. Her throat hurts. And she leaves. Sebastian says that he notices how old friends they didn’t talk to anymore, now they look for him and ask him about his brother and ask him to follow Brian on Instagram. Paco tells that I met Brian’s mother in a nightclub in Roquetas. That she began to make an ex-boyfriend jealous and that she used hers for sweet revenge. The danger of playing with fire. They got married, rented an apartment, then bought another and – “already settled” – decided to have a child. Brian came and, fast and running, everything else. “Things are what they are and it’s no use complaining. Brian has never complained about anything.”

Brian finished High School and stopped. He wanted to study a module of what he had always liked, computer science, but the center was not adapted. So he took it easy. “When you get used to the good life, it’s hard to do anything else,” she says, a little before or a little after (who cares) hooking up with “her people” again. “I’m stubborn,” he says suddenly. “I have never felt different, perhaps because I have always lived with the disease. I am what I am and I have always been. I have always had a wheelchair. I know that you notice that things are changing. Before I could do things that I cannot now. The disease is degenerative,” he explains, stopping and slightly correcting the expression: “I I have the worst haters that no one can imagine. They are few but, when they insult me, they do it with all of them. ‘What if he should not have been born’ and things like that. But it doesn’t affect me. Those who say these things are sick people. Much sicker than I could be… It bothers me, on the other hand, that they treat me like a 12-year-old child. They see me in the chair so skinny and they start talking to you as if you were a baby. That irritates. It’s the only thing that really bothers me.”

I prefer the first time I have sex to be natural

Brian is indeed older. “We have talked about sex,” says the father. “And the normal thing is that I want to try it, to know what it is. Even I I already told you that there are sexual assistants“He adds. Brian, it has already been said, is stubborn. “I prefer that the first time be natural. Yes, the other is natural too, but I prefer it to be because of me, because of who I am”, Brian says convinced. “I don’t know where I’m running now, I just keep running”, sings Jackson Brown. Brian, on the other hand, runs in CampeoneX which, as complicated as it may seem to believe and as has already been said, this time is not about basketball but about athletics, about running. Brian runs, and in what way, “through the fields and the forests… despite the cheering crowds…”.

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#infinite #career #Brianeitor #protagonist #CampeoneX #haters #born

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