The intelligence of living things shakes up our certainties

by time news

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Plants and animals have long been considered in Western societies as raw materials to be transformed. This paradigm, responsible for the current environmental crisis, is slowly changing. The latest scientific research combined with renewed interest in the worldviews of the first peoples are leading us to rethink our place in this ecosystem.

Guests : Dominique Bourgphilosopher, university professor, president of the Scientific Committee of the Zoein Foundation et Sophie Swaton, philosopher and economist, teacher at the University of Lausanne, president of the Zoein Foundation. They just posted Primacy of the living, essay on the thinkable, to PUFs.

(Rebroadcast from November 18, 2021)

Primacy of the living, an essay on the thinkable, by Dominique Bourg and Sophie Swaton. © PUF Publishing

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