The Italian prime minister has announced his resignation, the president vehemently refuses

by time news

“The national unity coalition that supported this government no longer exists. I want to announce that I will announce my resignation to the president tonight,” Draghi said. “I have always said that this management would only continue if there was a clear chance of carrying out the government plan pointed out by the political forces. These conditions no longer exist,” he added.

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Draghi’s broad unity coalition government – which includes parties from the right, left, center and even the populist five – star movement – is designed to help Italy recover from the powerful corona plague. President Materella’s move yesterday prevented the collapse of the coalition government after the five-star movement boycotted a critical parliamentary vote.

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Draghi is expected to speak with lawmakers next Wednesday, where he may insist on his intention to resign, or set new political terms for the continuation of the government. If no solution is found during that meeting, Materella will prepare the stage for early elections as early as the end of September. Currently, the term of the current parliament ends in early 2023.

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