The judicial lawyers demand to negotiate with the minister, but they maintain the strike

by time news

Judicial lawyers concentrated this Monday in the courts of A Corua.

To reduce the tension, they announce that they will process the payment of alimony to minors and that they will notify the lawyers of the suspended cases.

21 feb 2023 . Updated at 05:00 h.

The lawyers of the Administration of Justice (LAJ) have decided to continue with the indefinite strike that has paralyzed the courts and tribunals of all of Spain since last January 24. In the assemblies held in the last few hours, they have reiterated their absolute support for the strike committee as the only interlocutor in the negotiation for the Ministry of Justice to comply with the agreements signed in April 2022, regarding the adequacy of their salaries to the competences of the elderly that they assumed 14 years ago.

The judicial lawyers thus enter the fifth week of a conflict that seems totally aground after the 15-hour meeting held last Friday morning in Madrid between the representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the lawyers’ strike committee. That meeting was useless because there was no negotiation and the parties came out even more confronted. and crossing reproaches.

For now, the negotiations are broken, although the Justice lawyers yesterday showed their willingness to hold a new meeting as soon as possible. But they demand that the Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, be present at this meeting with the strike committee, so that she is the one who directs the negotiations since they do not consider the interlocutor they have had until now, the Secretary of State for Justice, valid. Tontxu Rodriguez. However, the ministry indicated yesterday that So far there is no forecast that Minister Llop will be present at future meetings that can be held with the strike committee.

The lack of agreement to end the lawyers’ strike portends judicial chaos

Jose Manuel Pan

The lawyers acknowledge that the continuation of the strike will alarmingly increase the number of proceedings to be suspended in the coming days, at the same time that the money paralyzed in the courts and that corresponds to compensation, fines and other concepts will also increase.

notify the lawyers

Precisely, before the extension of the strike and at the request of the strike committee, the Justice lawyers have decided to start issue payment orders and bank transfers related to the payment of alimony to minors and weddings will also be held in the civil registries. Likewise, they have agreed to notify lawyers and solicitors in advance, as far as possible, to avoid unnecessary trips to the courts and tribunals. Now, these professionals find out about the postponement when they arrive at the court with their clients. The strike committee also expressed in a statement its concern about the effects that its strike is causing: We regret the damage that this strike can cause to the citizens, to whom we owe ourselves as public servants that we are. That same feeling is extended to lawyers, solicitors and social graduates.

In Galicia, the strike is fully affecting judicial activity. The general director of Xustiza de la Xunta, Jos Tronchoni, who was betting on seek an agreement to end the conflictreports Alejandro Martínez. The judiciary is paralyzed and that is preventing views from being generated. The deposit and consignment account is also paralyzed and I understand that a solution must be sought, said Tronchoni, who considers that the ministry must sit down with the Justice lawyers and seek a solution: It took three weeks to sit down and it has not been enough. What I have to demand of the parties is that they sit down, negotiate and come to a solution.

Claims blocked

Judicial activity remains practically paralyzed since the work of Justice lawyers (former court clerks) is essential in courts and tribunals and do not move a paper without your supervision. The latest data indicates that in Galicia more than 6,000 warnings have already been suspended (more than 150,000 in Spain). This affects trials, hearings, appearances, lawsuits and thousands of procedures with great repercussions for citizens. Judgments are not notified, severance pay is not paid and claims are not processed. Everything is blocked.

A month and a day with the Justice blocked by the strike of lawyers

Jose Manuel Pan

It is one month and one day since the strike of lawyers from the Administration of Justice (LAJ) andthe conflict seems to be totally aground. The 15-hour meeting held in Madrid last week by representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the strike committee was useless. Rather the other way around, since in that meeting the great differences between the parties were revealed. Sources familiar with that meeting assure that the negotiators spent those 15 hours around a table hardly speaking to each other and at the end of the two parts reproaches and accusations were exchanged.

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