The King of Spain Prize for Journalism suspends the awarding of the award to La Posta – 2024-05-24 11:41:38

by times news cr

2024-05-24 11:41:38

The felony investigation opened by the State Lawyer Common’s Workplace towards journalist Andersson Boscán is the explanation for this momentary suspension. The portal rejects the committee’s choice.

The Jury of the King of Spain Worldwide Journalism Awards 2024 has determined this Could 17 to quickly droop the supply of the award within the Narrative journalism class to the portal «The mail”.

The explanation: the felony investigation opened by the State Lawyer Common’s Workplace towards journalist Andersson Boscán. The Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Workplace, within the investigation part of what are generally known as the Encounter and Metastasis circumstances, launched in current weeks the transcription of quite a few conversations between individuals below investigation, amongst whom is Andersson Boscán. Boscán has already stated that he’s on the full disposal of the general public ministry to make clear no matter is critical.

The awards jury, assembly this Friday in a unprecedented method, in view of the process undertaken by the prosecution, has determined to quickly droop the awarding of the award. We are going to watch for the investigations to conclude and decide if there have been felony tasks.

The suspension of the award doesn’t query the standard of the work ‘The Nice Godfather’ by Andersson Boscán and his workforce, acknowledged for the nice affect it had in Ecuador. The work promoted the impeachment trial towards former president Guillermo Lasso, as recorded within the minutes of the jury’s ruling issued on February 29.

The members of the jury contemplate that the investigation opened by the Lawyer Common’s Workplace of the State of Ecuador requires avoiding any interference to protect each the best to protection of the individuals investigated and the responsibility of the Ecuadorian justice to analyze and, the place applicable, prosecute any supposedly criminality. La Posta, on its social networks, rejected the Jury’s measure for these awards.

The Worldwide Journalism Awards have been created in 1983 by the EFE Company and the AECID, Spanish Company for Worldwide Improvement Cooperation.

Its objective is to acknowledge these tales of journalistic excellence, expressed by way of writing, picture or sound, that assist create social consciousness, contribute to the training of societies, and safeguard human rights and democratic values.


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