The LaLiga team that could be behind Jordi Alba’s goodbye to Barcelona

by time news

2023-05-24 16:33:06

Jordi Alba and the Barcelona They have reached an agreement for the termination of their contract and where the side of 34 years is the big unknown. The defender could set course for Saudi Arabia or the United States, although doing so would mean losing his place in the National Team. To keep it Jordi Alba could continue in LaLiga Santander at the hands of Atletico Madrid or set course for Ajax with Jordi Cruyff.

With regard to Atlético de Madrid, Barcelona would have agreed to give him the letter of freedom, in addition to getting rid of his high record, to obtain a reduction in the price of Yannick Carrasco. The Barcelona group acquired a preferential purchase option of 19 million euros on the Belgian when he transferred to Memphis Depay to the mattress box in the winter market and Xavi has him for the next course. However the Barcelona does not want to pay that amount, so Jordi Alba could you do one last favor by stopping at a Atletico Madrid who is looking for a footballer in his demarcation. Villa o Luis Suarez They already did it in their day and the experience could not have been better for them since they were proclaimed League champions with the rojiblanco team. Will Jordi Alba follow in his footsteps?

This is how he said goodbye to Jordi Alba’s Barcelona

At the moment, Barcelona has already said goodbye to Jordi Alba. «Barcelona and the player Jordi Alba have reached an agreement to terminate the contract that the player had with the Club until the end of the 2023/24 season. Barcelona publicly expresses its gratitude to Jordi Alba for the professionalism, commitment, dedication and always positive and close treatment that he has always shown towards all levels that make up the Barça family, and wishes him luck and success in the future. Barça will always be your home,” the Blaugrana club notified.

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