The largest database on human health will be created in Russia

by time news

Market participants of the Healthnet infrastructure center of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) – Open Technologies, the expert group of the Center for Competence and Analysis of OECD Standards RANEPA, Genotech, CoBrain and a number of other companies – are developing the Health Heuristics information platform. The expert council supervising its creation was headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Lisitsa, Vedomosti was told in Helsnet. The council includes representatives of the Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov, Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. A. N. Bakulev and the Medical Scientific and Educational Center of Moscow State University.

Now the project is at the R&D stage. So far, it is funded from the federal budget within the framework of NTI: by 2024, 267 million rubles will be allocated for it. and co-financing from extra-budgetary sources in the amount of RUB 172 million. The platform will function as a set of mobile and web applications interacting through a single point (data integration bus). Helsnet also plans to create its own applications, explains the NTI representative, but first of all we are talking about partnerships with third-party services that will connect to the platform through the API (Application Programming Interface) exchange protocol. Health Heuristics is slated to start operating in 2023, by which time the system will have to contain health information for at least 120,000 people.

To collect data, the results of examinations of people from electronic medical records, online and offline diagnostics in the form of surveys on the Internet or when a user visits, for example, a fitness club, data from wearable devices and even from social networks will be used. Social media analysis could, for example, help determine the risk of mental disorders, the developers say. They, scientists believe, can be recognized by the sentiment of the posts made by the user, the selection of words, as well as by the ratio of the number of verbs and the number of adjectives. An analysis of a person’s behavior in the network allows us to identify his personal qualities, which are characteristic of people with a disorder such as depression, explain in NTI. Based on the analysis of collected and systematized data, artificial intelligence will be able to provide application users with personal recommendations in the form of notifications about health risks and necessary lifestyle adjustments.

The developers emphasize that the system will give recommendations, not treatment regimens: “We are talking about” health for the healthy “, today many do not think that they can help themselves with simple methods, and not fight the consequences.” The formation of recommendations will be based on the methods of neural network representations. They allow building recommendation systems based not only on digital data, but also on text, video, audio and geolocation information. The system will analyze the basic parameters of the user (stress level, oxygen in the blood, heart rate) and activity parameters (the number of steps and physical exercises taken per day, hours of sleep, etc.). The system will communicate its recommendations to the user in “simple language”. The developers give this example: “You wake up in a serious condition with a headache due to a violation of the circadian rhythm. Get up just half an hour earlier / later and you will feel better. ” Recommendations will cover diet, physical activity, psycho-emotional state, work and rest schedule.

“On the one hand, the concept looks promising, because the more data is used, the better and more adequate the recommendations can be,” says Boris Zingerman, head of digital medicine at Invitro. – However, it is still completely unclear how and by what right the platform will aggregate data about a specific person from various information sources. This will require a person’s consent for each type of data, and now it does not look realistic. ” The platform will comply with all the norms of the law, the co-director of the Health Heuristics project, the general director of the IT-company Union Sport and Health created for its implementation, Mark Deminov, assured Vedomosti: “Of course, we will receive permissions from user “. The company believes that from 20 to 40% of people will be ready to share their data, depending on the region, gender, age, etc. “At the same time, about 18% of Russians are somehow involved in activities related to healthy lifestyles, and among their share of those willing to share data is significantly higher – at least 65%, – says Deminov. “These people are one of our key audiences.”

According to the calculations of the development team, the volume of proceeds from the sale of products and services based on the platform by 2024 should be at least 94.5 million rubles. in year. Connection to the platform for partners will be paid (the pricing policy is still under development), and for end users the basic functionality of the system will be free. When commercializing products created as part of partnerships with Health Heuristics, the platform will receive a reward in the amount of a certain share of the volume of transactions.

Medical applications and well-being services are now popular with investors, says Alexei Solovyov, a venture capitalist and founder of A.Partners: “For example, the manufacturer of the Oura fitness ring to track human sleep and activity recently received a $ 100 million investment. The mental health niche is also on the rise: a number of solutions have appeared in it as a response to the challenges of the pandemic and the stressful situation it causes and universal remote work. ” As for the recommendation services for users, there are already a lot of them in the medtech and health segments and the new platform will have to compete with them, Solovyov notes.

The project can be viable only if it is a tool in the hands of the patient himself, who will give permission to collect his data from different systems, and this is a very special principle of building a data donation platform, a very new and complex topic, Singerman believes. Soloviev adds that he does not consider such a platform an interesting object for private players in the venture capital market, since, on the one hand, this is a complex and insufficiently developed business model at the moment, and on the other, the investor’s exit strategy from such a project is not clear.

Such a system was supposed to appear sooner or later, says Ilya Kupriyanov, co-founder of the Doctor at Work social network: “There are examples in the United States – for example, within the framework of the FHIR project, a private company created a unified protocol for the exchange of medical information, and companies that come for them to this market, try to use the same protocol, because it greatly simplifies integration with other products. “

According to the research company Research and Markets, in 2020 the global market for mobile devices for health monitoring and diagnostics was $ 23.1 billion; by 2027, researchers predict its growth to $ 250.5 billion. All wearable electronic devices for fitness are integrated with mobile applications that monitor indicators, services for self-entry of data are also available on the network. There are over 240 health and fitness apps available on the App Store today.


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