“The last six minutes were very long” admits the Welsh coach

by time news

2023-09-11 00:51:52

Warren Gatland, Wales manager, winner of Fiji: “The last six minutes were very long, we were waiting for the final whistle. I’m delighted with the win, but we made things much harder on ourselves than they needed to be, we made some stupid decisions in the last 15 minutes. We’ll have a thorough exam that we have to go through… some of the discipline and stuff… I’m a little angry about some things, but the good thing is we won. I thought we were in control of the game, but we know what Fiji are like and what they are capable of and we lost a bit of composure. At halftime we changed things. We really wanted to go get them from the start to chop off their legs. A few of their players looked a bit tired and we seemed in control»

Jac Morgan, 3rd line and captain of Wales: “It was a great game. We dug deep in that first half, there was some indiscipline, we only made a few mistakes and all the credit goes to Fiji. When they had the ball in hand, they put a lot of pressure on us. But our defense held strong in the end. We made more than 200 tackles, we are very proud of that. We have this mentality of never giving up, always working hard for each other. We’ve been through a few camps with tough training over the last couple of weeks, and it’s really brought the boys closer together, as you’ve seen»

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