The left divided but indignant after the exit of the director general of the national police

by time news

2023-07-25 09:41:26

The entire left (or almost) has buried the hatchet. On Monday July 24, the Socialist Party (PS), Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) and La France insoumise (LFI) published a joint statement calling “to the restoration of republican order in the police and respect for the rule of law”, after statements made by the Director General of the National Police (DGPN), Frédéric Veaux. Only the French Communist Party (PCF) refused to sign the missive, which is therefore not marked “Nupes”, from the name of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union.

Three weeks after riots of rare violence, Frédéric Veaux felt in The Parisian Sunday July 23 that, “before a possible trial, a police officer has no place in prison”. A way of asking for an exceptional regime for one of the four civil servants indicted, and finally placed in pre-trial detention, after accusations of violence committed on the sidelines of the clashes that took place in Marseilles on the night of July 1 to 2. The prefect of police of Paris, Laurent Nuñez, gave remarkable support to the DGPN, announcing ” share [ses] propos ».

After protesting in unison against this double exit, the Nupes met Monday morning during a remote meeting. “It was necessary to discuss the political sequence: violence in the police, working-class neighborhoods and revolts, in order to develop a collective reaction”, relates MEP Manon Aubry (“rebellious”). The four left-wing parties, cold on several subjects, such as those of the riots, the senatorial elections scheduled for September or the European elections of 2024, had not seen each other for several weeks. Monday’s meeting was supposed to mark the return to “a regular rhythm of meetings in particular to shape the future of Nupes”continues Manon Aubry.

Read also the story: Article reserved for our subscribers At la Nupes, divisions on all floors

The communists themselves chose not to join in the collective speech, because “differences in approach to security issues and the violence of recent weeks”, said a spokesperson, criticizing LFI for not having “really given time to react” ni de “working together”. During the riots, the leader of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, had wanted to preserve the police by refusing to generalize the facts of police violence or to denounce racism in the police. The PS, which had subscribed to the same line, nevertheless found itself with its allies from the Nupes.

“The alert is now maximum »

The PCF preferred to publish an individual press release, also condemning the remarks of the DGPN, while saying “aware of the difficulties that police officers face on a daily basis”. The party continues to cut the wire with the alliance on the left, which Fabien Roussel had judged “outdated”, in April. Monday, the member of the North was the only party leader not to have gone to the meeting of the Nupes, even if representatives of the PCF were there. His counterparts, Olivier Faure (PS), Marine Tondelier (EELV) and Manuel Bompard (LFI) had all responded.

The PS, the Greens and the “rebellious” consider that “the alert is now maximum” in the font. They lament “unacceptable lack of reaction” of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and see in it the proof of the “extremely important place taken by ces trade unions at the Ministry of the Interior”recounts the deputy of Calvaldos Arthur Delaporte (socialist).

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Police unions: an incendiary leaflet from Alliance and UNSA-police, revealing the exasperation of the troops

In the line of fire, the two powerful police unions, Alliance and UNSA-Police, which had published a controversial leaflet during the urban violence qualifying the rioters as “wild hordes” and of “harmful”, that the government would no longer dare to contradict. “Darmanin is spokesperson for Alliance, and his ministry follows their orders”, gets carried away for his part the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis Thomas Portes (“rebellious”). In a blog post, Jean-Luc Mélenchon also targeted these unions, castigating “the rebels who in fact direct this body of the state”, as if the police were run in an insurgent way. The three-time presidential candidate called ” quiet ” the police men. A nod to the injunctions to call for calm that had been made to him during the urban violence.

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