The Leopard tanks that Spain will send to Ukraine will be up to 40 of the old 2A4

by time news

The tanks that Spain plans to deliver to Ukraine are not the brand new Leopardo 2E, the version manufactured in Seville that is operational and ready for combat, but the old Leopard 2A4. Specifically, those of the batch of 53 (of the total of 108) that were damaged while they were stored in Zaragoza. Of these, 13 are unserviceable, and in some cases the turret is missing. The rest, up to 40, are those that Spain makes available to Ukraine, although the final figure is yet to be specified, all according to diplomatic sources consulted by EL PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA, from the Prensa Ibérica group. Ukraine and the Spanish Defense Ministry are now discussing the details of the handover.

It is expected that part of the vehicles will be repaired and ready in four months; others, in six and the bulk, within a year at most, according to the same sources. For now, the technicians and members of the Ukrainian diplomatic delegation in Spain have already been able to visit them.

The tanks are dry, with the liquids and the battery removed, to avoid further deterioration, after they were damaged by a flood of mud in their calatayud deposit (Zaragoza), in 1997. In some cases the rubbers are missing, in other substantial parts such as the turret. Some of the spare parts are available, others have to be ordered and that will delay the whole process.

Once prepared, it will be necessary to find Ukrainian soldiers prepared to handle them. These are much more modern tanks than the T-72 of Soviet origin that are the most common in the Ukrainian Army. There are groups of soldiers who already know how to handle them, as this newspaper has learned. It remains to be seen if Spain will take advantage of the centers where it already trains Ukrainian soldiers in emergencies and first aid to also give them training in handling Leopard 2A4s, as has already been done with the misiles Hawk that our country sent a few months ago. Defense Minister Margarita Robles promised that Spain will contribute to the European Union’s training mission for Ukrainian forces fighting Russia by training up to 2,400 soldiers a year. The Spanish Armed Forces already train on Spanish soil at least 112 Ukrainian soldiers, 19 of them in Zaragoza who have already returned to join the ranks of the Ukrainian Army. Another 21 receive instruction in Almería, 64 in Toledo and five will do the same in Madrid.

coordinated action

US President Joe Biden confirmed Wednesday that he will send 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine in an allied-coordinated move after Germany confirmed it will supply Leopard tanks to kyiv. The shipment will be accompanied, according to Washington, by other measures, such as the formation and training of Ukrainian troops for its use, with the aim of “improving their ability to maneuver in the open field” and their “long-term” military capabilities.

To this must be added the company of 14 Leopard tanks that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has promised to send to the invaded country, and a similar number from Poland, Finland or Denmark, among other members of the “Leopard club”, the group of countries that have these tanks. Leopards are among the best tanks in operation for their reliability (they require less maintenance than normal) and their low consumption compared to other modern heavy combat vehicles such as the American Abrams.

With these shipments, Ukraine will have enough Western tanks in 100 days to break a Russian offensive. Military experts estimate that kyiv should receive some 300 tanks for them to have an impact on the evolution of the war, reports Juan José Fernández. For now, Defense Minister Margarita Robles has announced Spain’s willingness to send Leopard tanks and train crews, but the number will depend on coordination with the allies.

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