“The living body”, Danilo Ambrosino exhibits at the Museo Campano di Capua

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 12, 2021 – 2:35 PM

A collaboration between the historic institution from Caserta and the Mann of Naples. After the preview on Thursday 13 November, the vernissage will be attended by Giulierini too

Starting from Saturday 13 November, the Museo Campano di Capua, the prestigious historical institution known for its priceless archaeological heritage ranging from Matres to epigraphs edited by Theodor Mommsen, hosts the exhibition LEIB_The living body of Danilo Ambrosino curated by Olga Scotto di Vettimo . The exhibition project, realized with the contribution of the Campania Region – Vestiges on the paths of the matres, in collaboration with the MANN – National Archaeological Museum of Naples, enjoys the patronage of the Province of Caserta and the City of Capua under the Matronage of the Donnaregina Foundation for Contemporary Arts, inaugurates a new exhibition course strongly desired by the Campano Museum that brings to light the relationship between ancient and contemporary.

About 20 works by Danilo Ambrosino will be visible on display alongside the technological and digital contributions from the Gladiators exhibition, currently on display at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, together with the collection of the Museo Campano always relating to the theme of warriors. A large project that involves the most important archaeological museum structures of the Campania Region together and projects the Capua site among the great national and international realities.

The exhibition – says Rosalia Santoro, President of the Campano Capua Museum – was conceived as the first stage of an exemplary journey that, combining ancient and present, makes us reflect, through the careful study of the human body and its wounds, the events related to a man who is now a hero, now a refugee, now a victim: a physical diaphragm that allows us to glimpse, beyond its materiality, the noaneliti and wounds of the spirit. Danilo Ambrosino’s work represents and investigates the body as a separation diaphragm between the I and the We not taken as a body-object (Krper) but as a living and sensing body, bearer of experience (Leib). The representation of the human form proposed in the works allows a reflection regardless of the purely aesthetic approach, assuming evidence of the ancient world, shedding light on contemporary artistic production understood as a unique moment of historical and social investigation. The bodies of Danilo Ambrosino belong to migrants, refugees, travelers still today, always and forever, intent on weaving the tragic, epic and heroic plot of a complex social event that guarantees collective existence. Through the use of a pictorial medium that transforms the human body into a pretext using it as a tool, the artist makes the public participate in making the experience of the body their own, understood as the experience of the other, making a passage, never taken for granted, from the solus ipse to alter ego. Between the shutters of the bodies the artist leaves room for sudden golden flashes, which like the scars of the ancient Gladiators, fighters for freedom, highlight the magmatic dramaturgy that links the origin to the present.

An applause to the Provincial Campano Museum of Capua – underlines Paolo Giulierini, director of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples – which forcefully introduces the desire to disseminate, through new languages, its rooms, allowing the Present to mutually contaminate itself with the Past, breaking down the doors of chronology and bringing the experience back to a single space-time dimension.

November 12, 2021 | 14:35

© Time.News

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