The Lounge: Sagi’s party and the director’s version

by time news

Last Friday we were able to update on the preparations for the fiftieth birthday party, of businessman, billionaire Teddy Sagi. As promised, last Saturday evening, family members, friends, business partners and associates showed up at Sagi’s house in Herzliya Pituach, who were asked to arrive in a white dress code. As befits an event of the upper millennium, the whole house wore a holiday, and the guests enjoyed a particularly invested production that included food stalls, fine and prestigious alcohol, dancers and musicians, and Omar one man who went up to sing, and even danced with Sagi traditional dances on the expanse. Prior to the event, a special video was produced starring actor Miki Geva, in the character of Sagi, which included humorous moments from the billionaire’s daily life and interactions with those around him. Sagi’s partner, Yael Nizri, who is pregnant on an advanced Friday, was absent from the incident because she was under observation at the hospital at the time.

Among the guests who came to celebrate the birthday groom who also recently signed an important real estate deal in the United States: Limor Simanovich with Yuli Sagi – her and Sagi’s joint daughter, Professor Roni Gamzo, Eyal Waldman and partner Anastasia Coco, Sean Simanovich, Pnina Rosenblum and Roni Simanovich, Rami Levy and his wife Adina, Rani and Hila Rahav, Manny Weizmann, Ofer Krajner, Michal and Nir Weizman, Babo Kubo and Miri Bohdana, Ido and Sarit Hajaj, Zvika and Natalie Barinbaum, Yossi Hachmi, Gideon Hamburger, and of course the parents The proud, Ami and Lizika Sagi.

Ami Sagi and Ofer Krajner (Photo: The Photoset)
Zvika Barinboim (Photo: The Photoset)Zvika Barinboim (Photo: The Photoset)
Yossi Hachami (Photo: Gadi Sierra)Yossi Hachami (Photo: Gadi Sierra)
Bo Kobo (Photo: Gadi Sierra)Bo Kobo (Photo: Gadi Sierra)


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