The Madrid summit “a before and after for NATO”, according to a UNIR expert

by time news

The NATO Summit in Madrid, which took place this past week, has meant “one before and one after” for an alliance “which has made sense again” after a time of less importance. This is how José Cepeda García de León, professor of the Master’s Degree in Communication and Political Marketing at UNIR, considers it.

In an interview with Europa Press, Cepeda stressed that “This Summit has been really very important, unlike others in recent times”marked, first of all, by the war in Ukraine.

A situation “which has forced us to redefine a new strategic concept, the new structure of security and military policy” of NATO e “even -he has pointed out- it forces us to redefine the budgetary policy of many countries”because there is talk of allocating more money for defense in the member countries.

Everything, based on the fact that, in the Summit agreement, Russia is named as a threat, “that until now was almost a strategic ally for peace”to which he has added that “China is being considered and even the challenge that comes from southern Europe”.

For this reason, he considered “We have not gone back to the old policy of two blocks, because no one is unaware that we are before a scenario of three, which shows the new needs that are emerging due to the geostrategic evolution of the world”.

In the case of the Ukraine conflict, in the opinion of the UNIR expert, it has become clear that “suddenly, everyone has seen the need to reinforce defensive systems”. We are no longer before “a conventional war”but “The reality is that, with other attack systems, what we have now is hybrid warfare.”

A concept involved “the technological side”something in which precisely “Russia is far ahead of the West”but also China, where, as you have pointed out, software such as facial recognition “It is fully extended, which implies absolute control of the population.”

“In autarkic countries or with undemocratic models, the permissiveness to use this type of tool is much greater than in a Europe with very scrupulous regimes in these aspects”assured José Cepeda, who has added to these wars other types of situations such as migratory movements “or control of resources such as energy or water”.

Thus, he emphasized that “we must protect ourselves more and more against this type of new attacks”with special attention to cybersecurity, something in which the UN is already working towards a world convention. “And we must allocate more and more resources to this model”until now more in the hands of the State Security Forces than the Army, “but in what should increase the coordination between Defense and Interior”.

The Madrid Summit is also important “because it involves the entry of two new members” in the Atlantic Alliance, Sweden and Norway. “It represents a before and after, a resizing of NATO and Western democracies, with two traditionally neutral countries asking to join the organization.”

All this, without forgetting that, mainly, “NATO is a defense structure, not an attack structure, it is above all a defensive model, and for this reason, what is being done is to increase resources to protect its members.”

“Those who say that this should not be done, because they even say that we are not at war, do not know what is happening,” assured the expert, for whom precisely Russia’s aggression against Ukraine had a lot to do with “NATO has made sense again, working for greater stability in the world.”

“Confrontation or new threats are not sought, but rather a system of protection that other less democratic regimes cannot roam freely outside of all legality. NATO does not want to confront, but rather find a system of balance. I trust in the wisdom of Russia and from China, I don’t think they want more destabilization”José Cepeda has finished.

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