The man who ‘invented’ the network business: this is how the first ‘influencers’ agency in Spain was born

by time news


Almost a decade ago, Luis del Val had a revelation. YouPlanet was born from her

Luis del Val, CEO of YouPlanet.YOUPLANET

If I tell him influencer You think about money, about travel, about the great sponsored life. Seems obvious, right? Now despite the Captain’s ship a posteriori and go back with me to 2014, when Anglicism did not exist and the most influential were those who appeared on TV. Remember the hacking, the thousand tricks to download free movies. In that ocean sailed the film producer and distributor Luis del Valracking their brains to place in Spain a foreign film aimed at a young audience that did not set foot in a theater.

Go on to such AuronPlay that he recorded himself playing video games and posted it on YouTube. The guy did it with such grace that he had half a million subscribers. And I wrote a tweet, for writing: The best humorist of the 21st century is Auronplay, direct to the ego. He was a tinderazoand matchNow remember the Del Val phone from Barcelona, ​​where it all began.

They had coffee and he proposed a plan: dub a secondary character, barely a couple of sentences but that appeared in the trailer, and challenge his followers to guess which voice was his. In 48 hours that trailer had more than half a million views. My life passed me by, my head exploded, confess. You had to continue that way. Next action: rent a movie theater for a private showing with the first 300 AuronPlay followers to show up. They were 4,000. The Guàrdia Urbana did not know how to evict those crazed adolescents who chanted the strange name of someone no adult knew. And Luis del Val had a revelation: there was a business opportunity there.

From that strange idea, YouPlanet was born, the first agency representing influencers of Spain which, over time, has also become a benchmark in influencer marketing and has returned to the production and distribution of films. To demonstrate to brands, still skeptical, that what moved those youtubers primals not moved by a movie star took AuronPlay and a very young Wismichu on tour. Tickets sold out in a matter of minutes.

A business of 60 million euros

And from those powders, these muds. The direct investment of brands in influencers exceed 60 million euros in 2022, according to data from PwC. What’s more, it grew by 22.8% from the previous year, and that’s without taking into account the items dedicated to branded content, many of which are aimed at campaigns with internet personalities. He boom From this booming market came, for the CEO of YouPlanet, in the midst of a pandemic. The managers had to live with their adolescent children and they saw it clearly, he says.

In addition to guiding content creators to optimize their publications, Luis del Val’s agency acts as an intermediary with brands: We are judge and party. The networks ensure a segmented audience with real-time results and an immediate impact on millions of people. But not everything is fine. The advertiser and what he wants to convey has to be aligned with the editorial line of the influencershe says, and darts: If a vegan advertises your beef burger, you’re not influencing at all.

The preferred platform today to place products is Instagram, both in stories and in fixed posts, but Twitch is starting to hot on the heels of the pretty girl from Meta. Fashion, food and travel account for most of the collaborations, but while sportswear focuses on profiles with millions of global followers, beauty pulls more local audiences, according to a Nielsen study. In Spain, two out of every 100 inhabitants have more than 1,000 followers on Instagram. It seems that, indeed, influence is a profession with a future.

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